5G Network

I didn't ride the little school bus but I wasn't allowed on the normal schedule either.

Can someone please explain what 5G is all about?

My impression is that it's much more than the difference from going from 3G to 4G.

Why does the US think it's a security issue?
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Let's start basic and then we can go from there. "5" is a number. Here is the number 5 with his other number friends: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9. See the 5? It's kinda in the middle there. Happy 5.

G is a letter in the alphabet. It's also the first letter in the word Garanimals. These are toddler clothes. But if you know how to sew, you can stitch several onesies together to make one big boy outfit.

I hope this helps.
winn dixie's Avatar
Precious_b's Avatar
4G is a myth here in the States.
5G is just pushing the fantasy further.

Don't believe me? Check out the speeds in Hong Kong.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Here is a good link that describes the various iterations of cellular technologies and speeds. https://whatsag.com/

Simply put the G in 5G stands for Generation or 5th Generation cellular technology. Right now Huawei, a chinese cellular company, is considered the leader in the standards and technology for 5G tech. Because of the perception that the Chinese government has it's hands in all aspects of private companies in China, true or not, the fear is that if the US and European countries allow Huawei technology to be widely spread through our telecommunications systems it could be leveraged to allow covert spying on our communications.
MCScatCat's Avatar
so does it cuase cancer or anything like that? Is it safe for cats?