About my Dallas visit...Got scary AF 😨😭

First off, my apologies for those of you lovely gentlemen I was not able to see and I truly apologize for those of you I wasn't able to reply to in time to cancel our playtime.

I've been offline a bit to gather myself and try to put a bad experience behind me and not let it scare me away from this hobby.

What happened:
One of the first messages I received was an email from a man who goes by the handle of ghostcowboy69. I wanted to welcome newbies because I am a newbie.
He didn't have an Eccie profile but was willing to send me an email from his job, details about himself, ethnicity, age, profession etc and he also provided 2 references from ladies he saw on BP and CL. They replied within an hour and told me he was "alright and easy on the eyes". I then contacted him with my location and agreed upon time.
He arrived, was clean looking, polite and talkative. We chatted a bit, he then asked me to undress and suddenly he became forceful, crude and scary. He grabbed my hair, forced me to the ground, put his foot on my face and spit on me. At first I couldn't believe it and thought he was acting out some fantasy, but I was wrong. I was able to push him off and got out of his grip and told him "my girlfriend is in the joining room and I was about to ask her to call the police if he didn't leave".

Thank goodness that motivated him to leave. As he was leaving he threw a few 20's on the floor, not even close to my rate and muttered some harsh language. I immediately packed up and checked out of the hotel as fast as I could. As you can imagine I was not in the mood to see anyone else.

I hope you can understand. I'm not sure how to report this and I wanted to be up front about what happened and speak out so that other ladies are not in harms way.

I hope you can accept my apology and allow me to make it up to you the next time I'm in town, should be November.

P.s. Now I know better and I've done my research on proper screening!

P.s.s Ladies, if you've been a victim of this man please reach out to me and help me report him if possible.

Thank you for reading this.
noober's Avatar

Sorry that happen to you and give details on how he looks like to the providers.

I get the job email thing but WTF references from BP and CL???? I mean really???
But what's done is done and I'm happy ur safe.

But hell u got his work info right u can really fuck him up with that info if it's legit. But I'm pretty confident it's a fake.
Ty for having the courage to post your experience.

I'm so very sorry that someone thought that would be ok to do to you.

Your op was very well spoken and thought out imo.

If you would like to share his info with people here but follow proper masking guidelines and avoid a ban you can post as followed:

Email Address Masking

Only the first and last character of the username visible and Domain Visible.
Ex. st.christopher@yahoo.com would be s**********r@y***o.com
Damn...that’s messed up right there. Sorry you had to go through all that.

Hope you’re able to forward on details to the other ladies so no one else ends up with a similar experience (or worse).

And I hope this doesn’t deter you from coming back to DFW in the future. Yes, we have some assholes down here, but most of the guys are just looking for a safe, sane good time.
needingmilking's Avatar
It is terrible you had that experience. No one should be mistreated like that without consent.


Screening is key, and it works both ways. Both provider and john NEED to do their homework, all the time, no exceptions.

Even doing your research you will have bad experiences.

Better safe than sorry.

Good luck in the future.
Randall Creed's Avatar
That's some bullshit.

Another dipshit fucking things up for others.
Sir Axl's Avatar
I can't believe some of the guys out there. I don't know why anyone would get off treating another person like this. So monstrous. I would never do that to anyone.

Sorry this happened to you and I hope you learned from it. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to learn some lessons the hard way. Please be careful in the future. Hate to hear about anyone getting hurt. This should be fun.
texassapper's Avatar
1 review, 4 months old, BP and CL references that respond? Yeah, I'd say there's something that ain't right, sounds like an excuse for missing a bunch of engagements to me. If I'm wrong...well there's always a first time.
1 review, 4 months old, BP and CL references that respond? Yeah, I'd say there's something that ain't right, sounds like an excuse for missing a bunch of engagements to me. If I'm wrong...well there's always a first time. Originally Posted by texassapper
And why is it always the ladies fault. We all know there is an abundance of asshats out there that love to control and abuse women and plenty of guys that think because they are paying for it they can do whatever they want. No woman deserves abuse and being spit upon. Hope I never meet that guy anywhere. Chances are he is easy to pick out of a crowd.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
And why is it always the ladies fault. We all know there is an abundance of asshats out there that love to control and abuse women and plenty of guys that think because they are paying for it they can do whatever they want. No woman deserves abuse and being spit upon. Hope I never meet that guy anywhere. Chances are he is easy to pick out of a crowd. Originally Posted by lipsandhipster
That is true about the abundance of asshats taking advantage of providers, but what is also true is providers as well as other asshats who post alerts and spread assumptive or outright lie rumors about others for revenge of a perceived wrong or just fun sake and to see what happens.

Do not get me wrong, I am not saying the OP is not telling the truth, far from it, and if it is true, karma will catch up to him. But, you have to admit, there are also plenty of examples of bullshit alerts and frame jobs. I hope that the accused comes forward, gives his side and explains himself. My emphasis is actually on the other asshat hobbyists and providers as well with their baiting posts.

By the way, 99.9% of the time, it is the welcome wagon troll hobbyists that are the asshats of treating providers poorly, takes advantage of their vunerabilty for being new on the scene, hence the OP saying she lacked proper screening techniques, and probably threatens them with a bad review if they do not comply.
Grace Preston's Avatar
That is true about the abundance of asshats taking advantage of providers, but what is also true is providers as well as other asshats who post alerts and spread assumptive or outright lie rumors about others for revenge of a perceived wrong or just fun sake and to see what happpens. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Not to butt in here, but.... you seem to have a bit of an agenda-- you've posted something along this line several times now. I'm not sure what issues you may have had in the past-- but when you continue with something over and over- even on threads that seem to have nothing to do with an agenda (she was fairly calm, stated facts, didn't appear to get overly emotional considering)... it makes one question your motives. Might want to take a step back.
texassapper's Avatar
And why is it always the ladies fault. We all know there is an abundance of asshats out there that love to control and abuse women and plenty of guys that think because they are paying for it they can do whatever they want. No woman deserves abuse and being spit upon. Hope I never meet that guy anywhere. Chances are he is easy to pick out of a crowd. Originally Posted by lipsandhipster
WTF.... You need to read my post again. I'm not a Hollywood Liberal. I don't blame the girl. My point is the whole scenario sounds sketchy.

If in fact, the events took place as written, the dude should have his nuts cut-off for the good of the species. I just happen to not believe everything I read just because it's on the internet. Again.. a poster with one reference from four months ago posits events that sound fishy.... really BP and CL girls responded with positive references? Half the time you can't get CL and BP girls to pick up the damn phone to make an appointment let alone for a reference. It looks to me as though she might have made the whole thing up to explain NSNC to multiple customers.

Maybe that's not the case... but it's the first thing that hit me when I read it. I don't know the OP from Adam, but I've seen women claim some crazy shit that didn't happen
Randall Creed's Avatar
WTF.... You need to read my post again. I'm not a Hollywood Liberal. I don't blame the girl. My point is the whole scenario sounds sketchy.

If in fact, the events took place as written, the dude should have his nuts cut-off for the good of the species. I just happen to not believe everything I read just because it's on the internet. Again.. a poster with one reference from four months ago posits events that sound fishy.... really BP and CL girls responded with positive references? Half the time you can't get CL and BP girls to pick up the damn phone to make an appointment let alone for a reference. It looks to me as though she might have made the whole thing up to explain NSNC to multiple customers.

Maybe that's not the case... but it's the first thing that hit me when I read it. I don't know the OP from Adam, but I've seen women claim some crazy shit that didn't happen Originally Posted by texassapper
Your posts are...wrong on so many levels.

That said, I'd rather be wrong on the compassionate side than to be wrong on the insensitive, piece of shit asshole side.
texassapper's Avatar
Your posts are...wrong on so many levels.

That said, I'd rather be wrong on the compassionate side than to be wrong on the insensitive, piece of shit asshole side. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Meh, I've been called worse by better...

Again, nothing about that post rings true. Even the delay in posting it. If the guy existed and was potentially a threat to other providers, would you wait a few days to post?
Charlie Brown's Avatar
Here's some facts that are not loaded with conjecture.

I saw the OP when she was here this last time, and the time before that as well. She is one hot time and is a sure fire hottie to boot.

She's an out of towner who doesn't keep up with how threads in here get attacked just because a poster desides to take a shit somewhere.

She told me about this assailant before 10/19 and she asked me what she should do about it because she's heard of girls being banned for outing hobbyist and she doesn't want to be caught up in any drama that'll hurt her business as a provider.

But she still wanted to warn girls of this fucktard.

I gave her a little advise and it appears she's handled it fairly well. I also told her right out, it won't matter what you say, some shit poster is going to take a shit in your post.

Yeah, I saw you coming buddy before you even knew it was you !

You want to call me a god damn white knight, go the fuck ahead ! Shit posting and knowing nothing about facts - man, I wish I was that cool !