Great example of grandstanding

Missouri Attorney General targeting massage parlors. For you Texans, that business was shut down quite effectively in Missouri almost 20 yrs ago. Read the reviews in Missouri forums if you don't believe. Irrelevant attempt to grab headlines.....course, I can't explain that to my wife LOL.
winn dixie's Avatar
Its election time! All of em go after low hanging fruit!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Already being done here. Cops trying to harass Spas out of business. Worked for some, not for others.
  • oeb11
  • 10-26-2020, 03:11 PM
Amateurs - below is True Grandstanding for the Lily white Plantation racial identity politics of the DPST radical marxist party!
More oeb regurgitation of nothing the adds substance to the discussion.
More oeb regurgitation of nothing the adds substance to the discussion. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Laughing my ass off at this. Sounds like you haven't changed one iota oebbie. Apparently still posting the same responses no matter what the topic at hand.

Though I must say I am glad to see another member has joined your fan club.

Bueller.....Bueller.....Buelle r
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2020, 07:39 AM
DPST'sLaughing at the photographic proof of the racist, marxist DPST party
Which claims to be the party that defines 'Who is black"
In reality - you DPST's just keep black peoples on your racial identity plantation under the control of welfare and food stamps and buy the Votes ever 4 years - - just racist identity politics business as usual.

Thanks for your nonsense - DPST's!
Amateurs - below is True Grandstanding for the Lily white Plantation racial identity politics of the DPST radical marxist party! Originally Posted by oeb11
are you sure they aren't all just sending out a greeting to the indian fauxcahontas?

how, fauxcahontas!