You Ain’t Black! Biden Loses 50 Cent and Ice Cube

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

You Ain’t Black! Biden Loses 50 Cent and Ice Cube

Oct 20, 2020

RUSH: So have you heard about this? Fiddy Cent has just endorsed President Trump. Did you hear about that? And the reason that he did this is taxes. He is fed up with high taxes, and he heard Joe Biden talk about his promise to raise taxes — and Biden’s tax increase plan is like $4 trillion. Folks, it’s a shovel. It is gonna bury the U.S. economy.

The Democrats want to do it. They want to do it. They want to set up a socialist government. They want to destroy wealth. Wealth is freedom. Wealth is power. The ability to acquire wealth, even the ability to have a career, to set your sights high, have a dream, fulfill it, they want to kill all of that.

You may be saying, “That doesn’t make sense, Rush.” It does if you understand socialism. Wealth and independence on the part of the individuals is the biggest enemy to a socialist, tyrannical government. They need as many people as possible dependent. They need as many people in poverty as possible. They need a permanent underclass that will vote for them to keep whatever meager things they get in life coming. This is what Biden’s promise is and Fiddy Cent has heard about it.

And it’s not just Fiddy Cent. Ice Cube has decided to vote for Trump. Have you heard about that? (interruption) You hadn’t heard about Ice Cube? (interruption) His Platinum Plan to create jobs in black communities — this is Ice Cube’s plan — it was hatched in the barbershop. And they want to create some jobs out there in the black communities, and Biden turned it down. (interruption). Right. They told him not until after the election, don’t bother us with this stuff now, Ice Cube.

By the way, how can a black guy be an ice cube? Biden doesn’t understand it. In fact, can you imagine, can you imagine the poor guy that had to run in and tell Plugs, “Sir, you’ve lost 50 Cent”? Plugs said, “Dadgum it, that’s a day’s wages.” Gotta be a shock also to Fiddy Cent to learn that he ain’t black now because, you know, Biden said, (imitating Biden) “You ain’t black, if you ain’t voting for me, you ain’t black.” He said that to our old buddy Charlamagne tha God.

So Fiddy Cent not voting Biden, endorsing Trump and suggesting to all of his friends that the smart thing is to vote for Trump. And now Ice Cube doing the same thing. Now, you might think, “Well, Rush. This doesn’t matter.” Oh, yes, it does. This is the kind of stuff that sends waves of — I don’t know if it’s panic, but certainly waves of unrest and fear through the Democrat Party. This kind of insolence is not accepted. This kind of insolence is not tolerated. It’s certainly not expected. So I think this is absolutely important stuff, as it flies under the radar may be for the Democrats, they’ll do their best to ignore this.


RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number 22. So they just lost Fiddy Cent. Fiddy Cent, noted rapper, noted television producer. Snerdley, did you watch his TV show, Power? (interruption) You didn’t? (interruption) It’s on Starz. You can watch it. It’s… (interruption) Well, what do you mean, “decent or compeling”? (interruption) Well, I gotta be careful here because I watched it. I liked it. But it’s not gonna be everybody’s cup of tea.

It’s about drug dealers and club owners and stuff, and Fiddy… Fiddy plays an absolute reprobate character. But he’s one of the producers of the show. Anyway, they’ve lost him. Fiddy Cent has been lost. Fiddy’s making some money; he doesn’t want to see it all taxed into oblivion. So he has abandoned Biden. He’s urging everybody to go out there and vote for Trump. So Kamala Harris has got to jump into this fray and come to the rescue.

So we have a sound bite here from the Players TV network. This is a channel available on Samsung TV Plus, and Sling TV streaming services. (interruption) Do you have Sling TV? (interruption) You have Sling TV. It’s like YouTube TV. It’s just a streaming service like cable on streaming service. They have released a preview clip of their new show, a new show that debuts tonight. It’s called Remaking America hosted by the Portland Trail Blazers guard CJ McCollum.

Now, in the clip, McCollum’s first guest is Democrat vice-presidential nominee Senator Kamala Harris. Here is the clip…

HARRIS: There is not a black man I know, be he a relative or a friend, who has not had some experience with police, which has been about an unreasonable stop, some kind of profiling or excessive force. So it starts with having leadership that speaks the truth about the fact of it. We don’t have that in the White House right now.

RUSH: BS, we don’t! We sure as hell do. Where is this stuff happening, Senator Harris? Where was George Floyd murdered? He was murdered in a Democrat city, in a Democrat state, in a police department run by Democrats. Republicans had nothing to do with it! You can talk about speaking truth to power. You can talk about having the honesty to admit the problem.

But it is a problem happening on your watch! What happened to the police department in Seattle? What happened to the police department in Portland? All Democrat cities, all Democrat states. Look at what’s happening the police department in New York City. People are resigning, retiring, quitting. It’s a shame what is being done to the police in Democrat cities and Democrat states.

Meanwhile, police unions all across America are endorsing who? Donald Trump. Police departments across the country are endorsing Donald Trump. But this is all they’ve got. Okay. So Fiddy Cent comes out. Fiddy Cent abandons Biden, urges people to vote for Trump, and so they… I know this is not in direct response to that because they had to tape this show.

But here she is doing? She’s the vice-presidential nominee. She goes on a show hosted by a Portland Trail Blazer player, and all they can do is talk about race. All they can do is talk about police profiling, unreasonable stops and all this. Let me tell you something. The Democrat Party has been promising African-Americans for 50 years to stop this!

They’ve been promising for 50 years to stop this kind of treatment of African-Americans. They’ve been promising, for 50 years, African-American prosperity. Economic prosperity is gonna blow up and skyrocket. They’ve been promising all these changes. They’ve been promising they’re gonna get even with all the people discriminating against ’em.

They’re gonna get even with the racists and the provocateurs, gonna get even with the Klan, get even with all of this out there — and yet nothing ever changes. Every presidential campaign year, here comes a Democrat ticket telling African-Americans, “We’re gonna fix it for ya! We’re gonna make sure those evil Republicans don’t continue to many of you treat you.”

Why do you have to keep making this promise every four years for the last 50? Why doesn’t it ever get fixed? Answer: You can’t fix what you won’t stop, and you people are the ones engaging in the profiling. You people are the are the ones who are engaging in the discrimination against African-Americans. You’re the ones that look them with the soft bigotry of low expectations.

You’re the people, you Democrats, you look at African-Americans, you feel sorry for them. You think they can’t accomplish anything else on their own, the deck is so stacked against them that they can’t do anything without you. But you don’t do anything for ’em. And for 50 years you haven’t done anything for ’em. So Kamala Harris, appealing to the NBA demo, trying desperately to shore up the black vote.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Oh darn lost two rappers support... who gives a fuck they both have been nobodies for a few years now, Cube hasn’t put anything worth listening to out since the early 90’s, should stick to Uncle Tomming on film for his Mammy. 50 is a little more current, but still nothing good for far too long. Hilarious that “blacks aren’t too fucking broke to be republican” anymore, Cube is a fucking hypocrite, probably only took a bucket of Chump’s KFC to change what’s left of his little mind.

In the words of 50, Fuck Donald Trump, I never liked him.

should stick to Uncle Tomming on film for his Mammy. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
Hot tips from the Leftist Playbook #33:

Remember kids, when a black person fails to fall into the mold that you, their white liberator, have made, you can call them a race traitor and revoke their status among their own peers! You can even call them the N-word!

If it feels wrong, just remember that you know best and are doing it for their own good. They can't get ahead without your help!

Nazis come in all colors, never stop punching!
beelzebubba's Avatar
Not leftist, and I am a fan of their old music.
But he’s a sell out, not at all who he put himself out as for two decades.
Listen to Death Certificate, his exact words “ blacks are too fucking broke to be republican” verbatim.
Nazi’s are idiots that worship a Hebrew, just as ridiculous as SelloutCube.

And loser... you are the only one calling anyone the N word.
You liked typing it didn’t you racist fucking loser.

PS asshole... you ASS U ME that I’m white, that’s what dipshits like yourself do right? Fuck yourself republican dipshit!
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2020, 06:27 AM
name-calling sand intellectual bankruptcy of the DPST minions
so mindless - tiny demon!!
Vote biden - he decides who is black, marxist, and socialist!
Vote biden - for a harris pseudo black potus!!
beelzebubba's Avatar
Might want to check your post to check your own name calling

By the way... when Biden dies in office, you’re welcome for the black woman president

That’s what you dumbasses fear most right?

Let that one twirl in your head for the next 8yrs 3 m.
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2020, 07:04 AM
KumHoela is not 'black" - foolish DPST
she is a marxist indian (not native american)- foolish DPST
Amazing how the DPST's do not even now their own candidate slate is Lily white - the better to keep their black peoples down on the racial identity Plantation on welfare and food stamps - while the DPST nomenklatura parties in mansions.

Think about that - tiny demon - Oh - i forgot - independent thought is anathema to those pledged to the DPST narrative and agenda!
morning joe and his sweet as pie bride mika

are both doing their best to arrest the black freedom movement away from the chains of the dimocrat do nothings

by taking a comment out of context and meaning, which is common by the left, and attributing to it all manner of racist meaning and innuendo

its a you cant say this and you cant say that, something that normally one could say about or to any capable person, but because its to a black, you cant, blacks somehow have to be coddled by leftist white elites and protected

which seems to be racist to me
beelzebubba's Avatar
KumHoela is not 'black" - foolish DPST
she is a marxist indian (not native american)- foolish DPST
Amazing how the DPST's do not even now their own candidate slate is Lily white - the better to keep their black peoples down on the racial identity Plantation on welfare and food stamps - while the DPST nomenklatura parties in mansions.

Think about that - tiny demon - Oh - i forgot - independent thought is anathema to those pledged to the DPST narrative and agenda! Originally Posted by oeb11
Enjoy... you’ll have 8yrs to throw your windy little temper tantrums. lol
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2020, 07:23 AM
part of being a DPST is the assumption tht One should never be 'Offended" by any thought outside the narrative.

Guess what - given the opportunity - DPST's will end the first and Second amendments - and enforce penalties on any deviant speech as 'hate Speech" - and imprison or execute any they deem guilty of 'counter-revolutionary' thought/speech.

They will enforce and restrict any speech they feel is offensive to their poor little sensibilities - just as wel see on thisforum.

for example - j trying to enforce the spelling/pronunciation of KumHoela!
Poor insecure DPST's - with such a need for Control - it adds up to such easily 'Offended" who will do their best to remove and control anything 'Offensive" to them by labelling it as 'hate Speech"!
  • oeb11
  • 10-27-2020, 07:26 AM
Enjoy... you’ll have 8yrs to throw your windy little temper tantrums. lol Originally Posted by beelzebubba

4 more years of Trump,and 8 of Pence as POTUS
math- after all - is 'Racist" to DPST's - and not understood.

how does a DPST balance a checkbook? - They take a lead from Bernie and AOC spending in congress - They don't bother - it does not matter to them.

'Math is racist" DPST's!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
name-calling sand intellectual bankruptcy of the DPST minions
so mindless - tiny demon!!
Vote biden - he decides who is black, marxist, and socialist!
Vote biden - for a harris pseudo black potus!!
LOL Originally Posted by oeb11
KumHoela is not 'black" - foolish DPST
she is a marxist indian (not native american)- foolish DPST
Amazing how the DPST's do not even now their own candidate slate is Lily white - the better to keep their black peoples down on the racial identity Plantation on welfare and food stamps - while the DPST nomenklatura parties in mansions.

Think about that - tiny demon - Oh - i forgot - independent thought is anathema to those pledged to the DPST narrative and agenda! Originally Posted by oeb11
part of being a DPST is the assumption tht One should never be 'Offended" by any thought outside the narrative.

Guess what - given the opportunity - DPST's will end the first and Second amendments - and enforce penalties on any deviant speech as 'hate Speech" - and imprison or execute any they deem guilty of 'counter-revolutionary' thought/speech.

They will enforce and restrict any speech they feel is offensive to their poor little sensibilities - just as wel see on thisforum.

for example - j trying to enforce the spelling/pronunciation of KumHoela!
Poor insecure DPST's - with such a need for Control - it adds up to such easily 'Offended" who will do their best to remove and control anything 'Offensive" to them by labelling it as 'hate Speech"! Originally Posted by oeb11
DOTY’s new keyboard goes right to hate speed.

rexdutchman's Avatar
hate speech oh you mean Joeys talking points for 47 years ,,,,,,Brilliant