Considering possible hosting location in Lewisville/carrollton/farmers branch area sun-tues.... advice or interest?

Hi everyone:

I recently moved out it was very far south of the Metroplex and have considered coming to visit perhaps once a week for a night or two to certain areas. I have never hobbied in he Lewisville/Carrollton/ Farmers Branch area and was wondering if anyone had any advice as to places to avoid, places to check out, and what the overall interest may be in that area, before I take all data and do a quick c/b analysis... please pm me with tips and/or possible interest in a visit. Thanks so much!

I would avoid the outlying cities. The hotels work closely with LE, the neighbors are nosy, and the cops have the time and manpower to deal with possible prostitution.

Stay inside the Dallas city limits where LE is stretched too thin too deal with a provider that is not ripping anyone off or knowingly infecting anyone with HIV or Hep C.