Are STD's common in the hobby?

Hi everyone. Brand new to the site (takes a bow).

I'm just curious as to how common sexually transmitted diseases are in the Dallas hobby. I just moved here from California. I've had herpes for a long time. Actually got it from a provider, so yeah that sucks. But I hardly have outbreaks and its not noticeable at so I'm ok with it. Anyways, just wondering how common std's are because I'm about to start schedulingwith some providers and don't want to get anything else. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
I'm just curious as to how common sexually transmitted diseases are in the Dallas hobby. Originally Posted by makersup
common as hell. we all have one or more here in dallas.

I've had herpes for a long time. Actually got it from a provider, so yeah that sucks. Originally Posted by makersup
did a little barebacking huh?

But I hardly have outbreaks and its not noticeable at so I'm ok with it. Originally Posted by makersup
great! i'm sure all the girls will be ok with it too. your PM box is probably filling up now with offers.

sure sounds like a troll to me.


Coo coo ca choo!
Paul is dead.

Or is (s)he............?
I actually got it from a bbbj, but nice attempt at being a smartass there geezer. And I don't really care about my pm box since I won't be using this handle to schedule with girls.

common as hell. we all have one or more here in dallas.

did a little barebacking huh?

great! i'm sure all the girls will be ok with it too. your PM box is probably filling up now with offers.

sure sounds like a troll to me.

JPdM Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
Hey mods,

Can we get this spammer banned please? No spamming allowed! Can someone actually answer my question, or are you all too scared to admit that your favorite providers are diseased? Bunch of whipped pansies.

Coo coo ca choo!
Paul is dead.

Or is (s)he............? Originally Posted by Dannie
welcome back Sabrina
CenterLock's Avatar
Sigh. Monkmonk - I was doing good when I thought I was the only one thinking that.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
I'm calling Mikes wife right now!

And FYI she just ate Jenny Craig.

So now that we've established that monkmonk and centerlock have a std, can someone please answer my question? And who the Hell is Sabrina? You guys are more dramatic than guys in CA. No wonder you have to pay for it haha
I actually got it [herpes] from a bbbj, Originally Posted by makersup
That's what happens when you don't make the other guy wear a condom Caliboy.
My neighbor's dog is in heat, come on over.

I don't think labs can get herpes.

Or a better idea, go fuck yourself and you will be sure not to catch anything else.
Ha, you guys got jokes, and std's apparently since you refuse to answer my question. Let me are fifty something year old geezers who can't get any action from your wives so you pay disease infested whores for it. A bunch of winners you guys are, and I don't actually have any std! I just know what to say to get attention. It's a gift I suppose, lol.
Thanks for stopping by.

Good night and good luck....

rakuguy's Avatar
Ha, you guys got jokes, and std's apparently since you refuse to answer my question. Originally Posted by makersup
Answering your question would be a violation forum guidelines.

#16 - Posting about/Speculating about another person's medical condition is strictly forbidden.

I just know what to say to get attention. It's a gift I suppose, lol.
General disrespect of others does indeed get attention...and yet another gift to you. Check your pm's. -rak