I Have A Sick Mind

I am sitting here watching Greta on Fox, and she is up in Alaska with Sarah and Todd Palin, getting a first hand look at Anwar.

Through all of the discussion, all I can think is, "geeze, this guy gets to sleep with Sarah Palin".

Sick, Huh..
Sounds like a normal thought to me.
LexusLover's Avatar
Through all of the discussion, all I can think is, "geeze, this guy gets to sleep with Sarah Palin". Originally Posted by Jackie S
At least you are not thinking about the guy who gets to "do her"!
boardman's Avatar
Sick would be thinking about the guy that gets to do Greta!
matchingmole's Avatar
I'd be thinking..."geeze, this guy has to sleep with Sarah Palin". Stupidity ain't sexy.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'd be thinking..."geeze, this guy has to sleep with Sarah Palin". Stupidity ain't sexy. Originally Posted by matchingmole
Yea......I guess you are correct, after all.

I'd be thinking..."geeze, this guy has to sleep with Sarah Palin". Stupidity ain't sexy. Originally Posted by matchingmole
LexusLover's Avatar
Yea......I guess you are correct, after all. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
Stupidity ain't sexy. Originally Posted by matchingmole
How about ... intellectualism?

LexusLover's Avatar
Actually that photo of the leather skirt is "shopped" .... like most others on the internet.
I have always been a Sarah Palin Fan, she is darned easy to look at, and does exibit a keen sense of political savy.

Untill now. It seems that she is actually defending that idiot Dr Laura after her STUPID racial rant on her radio show.

Sorry, in todays political climate, there are certain things you do not say, and do not agree with. Unless you have been living on Mars for the past 15 years, you know that the "N" word is off limits to all caucasions, period.

Sure, you can claim your First Amendment Rights, but you have to be willing to take the heat. That heat in most cases means being castigated by any one with an ounce of sense.

Sarah Palin just blew it. She better start on damage controle quick, or she will prove herself to be the intellectual light weight that mant precieve her to be.
LexusLover's Avatar
Untill now. It seems that she is actually defending that idiot Dr Laura after her STUPID racial rant on her radio show. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It seems Palin's intellectual position is that:

1. Dr. Laura has a constitutional right to say it; but .....
2. It may be inappropriate for her to say it.

Do you think the liberals can buy that philosophical point of view?

Quote attributed to her:

“Does anyone seriously believe that Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a racist?” Palin asked in a post on her Facebook page. “Anyone, I mean, who isn’t already accusing all conservatives, Republicans, Tea Party Americans, etc., etc., etc. of being racists?”


I would enjoy the opportunity to spend some quality time in the sack with her, although I can invision having to caution her about "talking with her mouth full"!
boardman's Avatar
Politics is a rough game.

I don't think she is defending Dr. Laura as much as she is defending fairness in free speech. I expect her to defend free speech but these cultural issues are probably not the best topics for her to comment on if she wants a political career. Look at what John Kasich's remarks about Lebron have done to his campaign.

It's funny how we want to "shake things up" in Washington, "change the political landscape", "get some new blood" but as soon as someone different comes along all you hear is how they aren't part of the "establishment", "don't have the inside track on how things work in Washington".

Well, which do we want? Politicians or free thinkers?

Do we want someone who speaks their heart or who is politically correct?

I too have been a fan of Palin's because she wasn't an insider and has made her political career by not being so. Yeah, she's folksy, but wasn't Lincoln a little folksy during his campaign? Wasn't Ronald Reagan folksy? Maybe that's what made Lincoln and Reagan both such good communicators. They didn't give speeches so much as talked to people. That's something I like about Fred Thompson, BTW.

Palin has that ability and her opponents both on the political stage and in the press try to use that to portray her as ditsy or lacking political savvy.

I thinck that her biggest mistake was leaving office and becoming a political commentator. She is talking too much and giving her opponents fodder. If we, as Americans, really want a different climate in Washington we should embrace the free thought and speech and ignore the media's spin on it. Otherwise, it's same ole, same ole.
boardman's Avatar

I would enjoy the opportunity to spend some quality time in the sack with her, although I can invision having to caution her about "talking with her mouth full"! Originally Posted by LexusLover