Gloves for anal and other sex play ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

I'm doing some research and thought that others could share with me the best type of disposable gloves to get for all types of play.

I have always picked up a box of non-powdered disposable gloves at CVS or something along those lines.

In Chicago, though, in October ... Gorilla black plastic gloves were the rage, or so it seemed. They came in a box just like the others but they were the color black and the sizes were small, medium and large.

Would LOVE to get a box of size small. (I have very small hands)

Does anyone have any suggestions for the best disposable gloves out there? If anyone knows where to get the gorilla black plastic gloves, please let me now! I've done research but cannot find them.

They look just like those thin ones that you can get at the drugstore only a different color. Looks ominous! Grin.

DallasRain's Avatar
I use small condoms for prostate play....and occassionally doctors type plastic gloves
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I mostly use condoms a lot as well. But I'm doing more extreme anal play as of late with my hands.

I've always used those doctor gloves myself. But there is a wealth of knowledge that some people have with regard to anal play.

For example, I've never known if the gloves are lightly powdered, that it would be a good thing or a VERY negative one.
DallasRain's Avatar
good points Miss E!
you can online to any medical supply and get gloves you can choose colors..non-latex gloves,non powdered if you want more information just pm me....
They use those black gloves a lot in the tattoo world... might have some luck looking into some places where you can order tattoo supplies. Here are a couple links to some.....