This guy (Obama) is unbelieveable. Just last month he was bragging about his administration being the one administration that downsized government employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was for it (downsizing) before he was against it !

Doesn't make any difference because it is a lie. Here is the chart of Obama's increases in federal governmnt employment.

Oh and if you are a numbers geek; the unemployment in the construction industry (14.2%) is higher than the government sector (4.2%), same in the agricultural sector (9.5%). Don't shed too many crocodile tears; Obama certainly isn't crying over the lack of jobs in the private sector - "they are doing fine".

What a charlatan we have for a leader.
joe bloe's Avatar
This guy (Obama) is unbelieveable. Just last month he was bragging about his administration being the one administration that downsized government employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was for it (downsizing) before he was against it !

Doesn't make any difference because it is a lie. Here is the chart of Obama's increases in federal governmnt employment.

Oh and if you are a numbers geek; the unemployment in the construction industry (14.2%) is higher than the government sector (4.2%), same in the agricultural sector (9.5%). Don't shed too many crocodile tears; Obama certainly isn't crying over the lack of jobs in the private sector - "they are doing fine".

What a charlatan we have for a leader. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It's a trick. It just means they're only going to hire really short people from now on.
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  • 06-11-2012, 06:14 PM
This guy (Obama) is unbelieveable. Just last month he was bragging about his administration being the one administration that downsized government employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was for it (downsizing) before he was against it ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Um, no.

Here's the transcript of the portion of the video that they cut out (to make Obama look bad - go figure)

In the video:

The only time government employment has gone down during a recession has been under me. So I make that point just so you don’t buy into this whole bloated government argument that you hear.

The immediate continuation of the quote that was edited out:

And frankly, if Congress had said yes to helping states put teachers back to work and put the economy before our politics, then tens of thousands more teachers in New York would have a job right now. That is a fact. And that would mean not only a lower unemployment rate, but also more customers for business.

So he wasn't bragging about anything. He was pointing out, rightly, that the public sector - the part the government could improve if Republicans didn't want Obama to fail - was a lag on the economy.

So thanks for bringing that up.
You don't provide the link to the "transcript". .....You aren't to be trusted on these things Doofus...............

Besides, Obama was taking credit for his cut backs; which the statistics show that Obama actually increased federal employment.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I just looked at the federal government employment figures through 2010 and employment has increased every year he has been in office.
joe bloe's Avatar
I just looked at the federal government employment figures through 2010 and employment has increased every year he has been in office. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
It's probably a decrease in the rate of the projected increase. That's what Democrats call a cut. If an agency was projected to hire ten percent more workers and only hired nine percent more workers, Democrats call that downsizing.
This guy (Obama) is unbelieveable. Just last month he was bragging about his administration being the one administration that downsized government employment !!!!!!!!!!!!!

He was for it (downsizing) before he was against it !

Doesn't make any difference because it is a lie. Here is the chart of Obama's increases in federal governmnt employment.

Oh and if you are a numbers geek; the unemployment in the construction industry (14.2%) is higher than the government sector (4.2%), same in the agricultural sector (9.5%). Don't shed too many crocodile tears; Obama certainly isn't crying over the lack of jobs in the private sector - "they are doing fine".

What a charlatan we have for a leader. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
all this cause Obama is only concerned about Wall Street. You might say that wall street has killed Main Street.
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  • 06-11-2012, 08:27 PM
You don't provide the link to the "transcript". .....You aren't to be trusted on these things Doofus............... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirlaway: punked again.

Best part is, he asks for it.

Besides, Obama was taking credit for his cut backs; which the statistics show that Obama actually increased federal employment.
Your reading comprehension is about on par with Teacher.

Note the 13th and 14th paragraph in the LINK i supplied.

Apology accepted.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Doofus the fact is that federal government employment has NOT gone down.

The fact about other governments is, that is where the bulk of the so called stimulus money went.

As far as Wall Street vs Main Street. Do you realize even a little bit how much um-taxed money is sitting in Wall Street waiting for it to be drawn out so those taxes can be paid? Both parties will not let Wall Street fail because that will cause the loss of taxes the government is banking on.
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  • 06-12-2012, 02:05 PM
Doofus the fact is that federal government employment has NOT gone down. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
But overall government employment has. Please don't tell me you're too simple to catch on to the distinction.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I am not concerned over each state or local government's employment. that is up to them.
I am speaking of FEDERAL government employees and they have risen in numbers.
Shirley YOU can understand the distinction ven though I know you may be too simple mindeed to understand.

You big government people are in favor of the federal government funding local government and it should be the other way around. The states should be the ones that decide how much the Federal government is to receive after each state has met its own needs. I find it refreshing that state and local govrnments recognize they cannot afford big governments and have thus cut and reduced. I dont see haow Obama can take credit for that.Wait, runing the economy reults in less revenue via such thngs as sales and use taxes so I can see how Obama could take credit for reducing ALL government employees.
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  • Doove
  • 06-12-2012, 02:25 PM


Without this hidden austerity program, the economy would look very different. If state and local governments had followed the pattern of the previous two recessions, they would have added 1.4 million to 1.9 million jobs and overall unemployment would be 7.0 to 7.3 percent instead of 8.2 percent.

If you wanna argue that government employment has decreased like it has out of necessity, fine.

But the point is, you get what you want, and then you blame Obama for the resulting consequences.

Chutzpah, i think, is the word to use here.
The hysterical point of the video - missed by most - is that after Obama told his adoring audience that the "only time government employment has gone down is under me", they all applauded with enthusiasim !!!!!!!!!!!

Even the gathered Obamazombies think smaller government is a good thing !

But now Obama is out camgaining for more spending to expand government he one fucked up leader ????????
joe bloe's Avatar
The hysterical point of the video - missed by most - is that after Obama told his adoring audience that the "only time government employment has gone down is under me", they all applauded with enthusiasim !!!!!!!!!!!

Even the gathered Obamazombies think smaller government is a good thing !

But now Obama is out camgaining for more spending to expand government he one fucked up leader ???????? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They would probably applaud with wild enthusiasm if he farted.
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  • Doove
  • 06-12-2012, 03:19 PM
They would probably applaud with wild enthusiasm if he farted. Originally Posted by joe bloe
And you would claim it's proof he's a socialist.