Lake Jackson / Angleton Hotel

Looking for a Hotel in Lake Jackson / Angleton? Any suggestions? Thx...
Jack Flash's Avatar
There are tons of hotels there. Just drive down the freeway and look for the signs that say "hotel".

Are you looking for a specific brand or something?
Good advice, hadn't thought of that...but more specifically one that might offer rooms by the hour and friendly to bringing an UTR provider....
Jack Flash's Avatar
I don't think there are any hourly rooms down there. the question has been asked before and I believe the answer was no.
dreamtraveler67's Avatar
I herd Scottish does hourly but never tried my self,there is small motel on 35 east side of town next to o compos Mexican restaurant for sure does,one mile north of that on left is another one that will but is very nasty.
dreamtraveler67's Avatar
now give up the info on your girl!!!!! please.
I know that Pam's Motel in Clute does hourly its on 288B, the Executive Inn in West Columbia, and I think that Parker Motel in Freeport does hourly too.
LOL the only one worth going to is the Scottish Inn on 35 as described above. They will try to charge you more than you pay in Houston though unless you tell them what you have paid at other Scottish then they will treat you right.