Openess Question with regard to: Okay, seriously. What do yall do for a living?

Skip_8's Avatar
Reading the thread "Okay, seriously. What do yall do for a living?" by Humpty Dumpty I was alarmed by the thread being closed. I thought ECCIE was supposed to differ from ASPD by being more open and tolerant of other people's point of view.

One of the concerns brought about by Whispers, I believe, was that too many threads were closed prematurely due to some people not liking them. Threads, I thought, were supposed to run their course and expire due to lack of participation and not be closed prematurely by the staff. I have noticed threads being closed by moderators and am wondering if we are now turning our backs on openness and tolerance and reverting to the ASPD way of doing things?

In this case Humpty Dumpty wanted to know what career path he could follow to be able to afford the overpriced, in his opinion, ladies here.

He is used to street walkers and is a self proclaimed BBFS hound with the street walkers and non-pros he meets. Yes, I'm sure no lady on here would dare see him due to his open BBFS admissions. So please, skip the BBFS lectures as it is a dead horse that does not need to be beat, again.

The thread basically turned into a bash Humpty Dumpty fest but I don't think he was whining about the treatment and seemed able enough to defend himself w/o turning nasty.

Regardless of what you thing about Humpty, I believe that the thread should have been allowed to continue. It was entertaining.
Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
The thread was closed due to the topic being derailed and I can certainly understand that. Someone posted the same topic, so its cool.
Elephant's Avatar
WTF!.. People simply cannot get past Humpty's bareback habits can they.. I really love when a girl swears up & down they wont see him.. or "He's going on the ignore list", "DNS", "Self Alert".... lol... Hey ladies, it's really not that hard to get past your screening process... New references are easy & P411 is flawed...
Beagle's Avatar
Sure, the BBFS issue has been belabored to death and we know know that it's frowned upon in the hobby community. To brag about it and rub it in other's face, knowing it would instigate others - that's trolling. Just look at his sig:

"My name is Humpty. Pronounced with an umpty. I am a nice man who is disease free who enjoys BBFS with pretty, young, disease free ladies. Girls, get in touch, lets do it raw"

Doesn't take a genius to figure out his intentions behind that line.

You expect him to get a serious response in his thread after pissing on everyone? Looks like he's just trying to see how far he can go without crossing the boundaries deserving of a ban. Just because his posts are legal by ECCIE rules, doesn't mean they are right.

PS. The thread in question was getting pointless. No one was going to keep to the topic anyway and it was generating lots of negativity. No point in keeping it open.
sixxbach's Avatar
Let's keep in mind that this thread was NOT in the Austin forums....
