The human trafficking narrative continues to show it's flaws

omg_lol's Avatar
I’ve been saying for a while now that the laws will get shot down by the SCOTUS within five years. The laws are blatantly unconstitutional. If there was real interest in fighting human trafficking, there were already several laws on the books to address it. The goal of the laws are to continue to chisel away at the remaining few civil liberties we have. As cogs in the machine, our obligation is to work for less pay (via inflation), fewer benefits, pay more taxes, and to keep our heads down. Sounds like tinfoil hat nuttery but it’s true. Correct me if I’m wrong!
I'd take that bet that even a conservative Supreme Court will strike the laws in question down in the next few years as well.

The government already admitted and proved they never needed said laws in question to take down backpage to begin with.

But yes I'm fairly well versed in basic law, precedent, and the Supreme Court. So, the laws as written are far too broad in nature and trample over free speech rights to the extent that it is plausible that the government could hold Tinder and other dating apps/sites responsible for any hobby activity that takes place on their platforms.

As an actual libertarian (not just a fiscal conservative who thinks they're a libertarian) I am also aware of the importance of free speech for everyone and the fact that our few remaining liberties are being encroached upon by the government at all levels (city to federal).

So, I wouldn't call you a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist as you're not that far from the truth.