old school reviewers/posters--where are they now?

I have thought about posting something along these lines for a while now. At the end of 2009, the demise of aspd seemed to bring back a few long-dormant "posters of interest". Two interesting guys who re-appeared at that time were Baloney Pony and East Bay Ray.

BP, a frequent poster mid-decade, has continued his "Evening, all . . ." contributions to this community of late.

EBR was a unique writer and a total hoot. I haven't seen him again here, although I may have overlooked something.

Florida Shark used to bring his sardonic wit almost daily, then became a scarce voice, although he is around some still. And Carl had become quite the infrequent poster in the latter months of 2009. We know what has happened since!

But of course the most interesting posts are the reviews. And one of the great old reviewers was South Shore. His Italian loafers have not walked through these forums in a good while. For those who are curious, check out eraps and see if you can find some of his reviews. They are all great and unique reads!

And a current contributor, Ready2Rock, was a big king of reviews some years back. I think he may have a few current reviews, but mostly does not review. I always appreciate his contributions, though! Again, see if you can find some of his reviews on eraps--great reads! (His trademark expression: "Gawwwwwdddddddddddd!!!!!! ")

So, you old-timers who have gotten even older, who do you remember from the posting aspect of the membership?
Scratch Golfer was a heavyweight contributor in the old days. LBoog was a heavyweight for a while and then got banned for chewing gum in class or something. He actually signed up here right after ASPD went down but never posted that I'm aware of and disappeared.

Russ Tworthy signed up on ASPD in 1999 and still contributes here on ECCIE. Sir Monk is becoming an old timer and you Meldrick have been around for many moons as well.
Yes, ol' SG was a prolific poster back in the day. So much so that I envied him as much for his apparently plentiful free time as for his Tales of the Shampoo Girl and Other Wanton Adventures.

And C-Man, if someone is mooning you, I assure you it is not me!
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Well, there's Ezman (Tit man? Ass man? Leg man?) who apparently can't make up his mind so he sees them all. And Greymouse, an original Austin slacker, who plows, onward through the fog, with his thermos bottle on the nightstand. And Chairspud, whom I have seen naked many, many times (always with at least one woman in the room, often two). Mercury 0077 was a good board pal, but he's retired now. I see him in town now and then.


p.s. Who was the guy who used all the colored ink in his reviews?
governmentguru's Avatar
meldrick, you and I have shared Pm's over the years, as have R2R and I. I don't post much anymore, there isn't much to say these days. But I had approx. 3700 posts over an 8 year period go down with ship
Ready2Rock's Avatar
Gawwwwdammit, I hate this system!!! Finish typing a long-ass reply, and you get logged off. And I was telling myself to copy the reply just before submitting it ... just in case. Bastards!!!

OK, now that I've vented ...

East Bay Ray posted a few times early this year, but I haven't seen him around for a while. He had stepped into the background about the time I joined ASPD in late 2002.

Remember Porthos? His reviews of area GCs were entertaining and valuable. Damn nice guy, too.

I never understood how Scratch Golfer found so much time to post. He was a business owner, as I recall ... so maybe everyone else in his office was working while he spent the day posting. Or playing golf. Actually, a very good guy who could write and argue a point with the best of 'em.

South Shore reviews were my favorites. Yes, the Italian loafers and the German sedan that left traffic standing still as SS raced to the incall. Also, there was the 16-ounce alcoholic beverage he always purchased en route. He also wore garments ... not mere clothes. I once dropped one of my ATFs back at her incall after lunch so she could have a tryst with The Suave One. I never asked her if he was as cool as he sounded. I don't think I really wanted to know.

How about Jim Ed in San Antonio? His monthly hobby budget had to be 50 times mine! And his reviews were 50 times longer than most -- complete with pictures. He was sort of San Antonio's version of Monk. He once ran a contest, with the winner receiving a paid-for session with any Austin or San Antonio lady.

Other old ASPD guys have reappeared here under new names, but I'll not breathe a word. Good to see guys like Russ Tworthy and Ezman still posting, although none of us seems to post as much as before. I had a three-year kid-in-a-candy-store run, but now I hobby maybe 6-8 times a year. That should change here in the next few months, but I don't see myself writing reviews the way I used to. A lot of that is because I tend to revisit the same ladies over and over. There are several new faces I've got to see, though -- one in San Antonio and a few here in Austin.

Uhhh, Meldrick ... I hope you've finished that review by now. I'm getting the itch for another visit with you-know-who.
Whispers's Avatar
I used to like reading ATXComputerNerd's adventures...... Met him a couple of times and worked some of the same strippers ......

I liked Phil_Landerer as well......

Haven't seen either of them re-emerge.....

I liked Airjunky as well.....

I think the guy I miss the most from days of old would be Webfoot.......Met him and partied with him multiple times over in Houston many years ago as well as hooked up with him a time or two in San Antonio..... But I know he had some fun here in Austin as well....

Some guys may have taken the end of ASPD as a sign to slink away from all this..... Other's may have simply recreated themselves for some reason.....

I thought about it but couldn't bring myself to do it...
Mostly, it's about the gals and damn, there are a lot of great memories of those no longer around.

I've been reminded of South Shore's great reviews. I miss those.

And, where the Hell is Airjunky? Has he moved permanently to Columbia?

Whispers's Avatar
HAven't seen him in a while....

Ready2Rock's Avatar
How about Mamboolah? Now, that was one funny as hell dude. If I recall, his avatar depicted a greatly oversized hand stuck inside a normal-sized ass. He ran a contest one time to see who could guess what the hand was trying to find inside the ass. I think the answer was a piggy bank.

The funniest post I've ever read involved an unnamed provider spewing a load of loose poo right in Mambo's face while he was hungrily dining at the Y.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 06-14-2010, 09:59 PM
Ah yes, and Mambo's famous term for tits... Yabbos. Damn near fell out of my chair every time I read one of his writings.
EastBayRay's Avatar
Was logged off my normal EastBayRay account and I couldn't log back in. The site said it didn't remember me etc, etc. If a mod could help me get my regular account back I'd be much obliged.

I'm glad you guys remembered me, some of you who did I'm quite surprised.

I'm back now and plan to contribute more. Sharp wit and tongue intact.

ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 06-15-2010, 08:02 AM
Wow, must be a real old-timer to show up here ...

What about Dolphin? The original picture poster (thanks, geniusman, for taking up the slack). I swear, sometimes Dolphin would have the pic posted on a review before the ink was dry (electronic ink, you know).

Kosher Cowboy is still around but doesn't post much. Still get a pm every once in a while.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
What about Tjuan? I miss that guy.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 06-16-2010, 12:06 PM
Tjuan? The guy in the straight jacket who couldn't scratch his nut sack? He was one of my heroes/favorite posters. There hasn't been any trace of him in forever. Some folks say he hit the lottery and moved to Fiji. Others say he joined a cult. I heard back channel that he got bummed out and left the boards because of all the teasing he'd get about the size (or lack thereof) of his dick behind his back from a few of the more chatty-Cathy providers. But a few usually reliable intelligence sources say he actually had a profound personal epiphany and went the pre-op tranny route and was working in the Red Light District in Amsterdam until he reinvented himself and surfaced again as Lady Gaga. Personally, I think he's probably working as a Lady Gaga impersonator. Makes more sense to moi.