Anonymity + keyboard + Average Joe = ?

I wonder what it is about anonymity plus a computer keyboard that causes a normally rather pleasant average Joe to become basically an online Mr. Hyde or "Hide".

I am not referring so much to ECCIE because clearly providers are not anonymous. Most guys here are aware that they will pay the price when it comes to booking if displaying a history of less than civil behavior although the occasional individual does it anyway.

I am referring more specifically to some of the online chat rooms such as Yahoo Buzz that contain threads of current news, entertainment, sports etc. It is bad enough that the reporting is typically misleading and biased.

I seriously cannot believe the level of venom needlessly directed toward good people by hundreds of anonymous individuals who I can't imagine possibly behave this way in a normal social setting.

a.) Does anonymity plus a computer cause an individual to display who they really are?

or is it

b.) A venting tool for basically good people to lash out with cruelty or anti American sentiment without having to suffer the consequences of such behavior publicly?
runswithscissors's Avatar
Just my opinion; We have evolved from the poisoned pen to the telephone, to the keyboard...

I have talked to so many blustery people on the phone and also through e-mail, and when face to face for a meeting, they are usually the most timid of the people I meet.

A keyboard and the anonymity of the internet allows the " little mouse that roared."

Yet to keep that in perspective; the keyboard and the internet allow some shy and quiet individuals the opportunity to spread their literary wings and express their thoughts in a way they never would in a public setting...

It is the old adage that some people are afraid they will not be noticed unless they shout something edgy or hateful...
  • bigB
  • 09-14-2010, 02:25 PM
there is a common theme on the "internet" that everyone is a badass!!

epenis is one of the names associated with the internet alter ego

I would say it's not a display of who they are, moreover a projection of how they'd like to be perceived. In most cases the projection being diametrically opposed to who they actually are. A Jeckll and Hyde if you will, not in all cases but in quite a few to be certain......but then again, some people are just born assholes.
I think the ability to be anonymous online does lead to a heightened level of venting, but maybe expressing ones anger in a blog or post keeps potential loose cannons from going "postal" in the flesh.
Wow I got that talking from my Dad (that I didn't know I had) in the "Father - Son" discussion in the Locker Room a few days ago. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
  • bigB
  • 09-14-2010, 04:01 PM
Wow I got that talking from my Dad (that I didn't know I had) in the "Father - Son" discussion in the Locker Room a few days ago. Originally Posted by Woody of TX
I wasn't directing that toward anyone so don't take it personally, lol just my own observations
I removed it for you CB
I wasn't directing that toward anyone so don't take it personally, lol just my own observations Originally Posted by bigB
Let's keep it on topic gents.
Ok I removed the content....I would hope that you would do the same sir
sixxbach's Avatar
Let's keep it on topic gents. Originally Posted by Codybeast
Sounds good to me...

PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 09-14-2010, 04:42 PM
May I be the angry forum troll today?
Slotgoop's Avatar
"Is that even possible" - in my best Britney Spears imitation voice
Bobave's Avatar
LOL - Woody, did you open the 18 YO (Scotch) before you sat down at the keyboard? 8 }