ThanksGiving Dinner... Everyone is Welcome

CarlaHollandStrange's Avatar
Hi, I want to extend an invitation for Thanksgiving Dinner. I have been in all aspects of the adult field for over 30 years and I know that for some, holidays are so lonely, traveling providers, or even alone hobbists. I am doing a Thanksgiving Dinner at my house tomorrow your welcome to come anytime from 11am until 9pm. If you want to make something your more than welcome, I have a huge kitchen that can accommodate many cooks. It will be kinda buffet style so that you can eat whenever you get here. I do need an estimate of people coming before 3pm as I need to buy the turkey and ham if it fits in the budget. No one should be alone on a holiday... and it will be an awesome gift to me to have you here........... I need family and friends around me too. and sometimes the only people that understand you are the people that are like you. 469-267-0197 BRING
Chung Tran's Avatar
that's very nice of you! I'll be doing the extended family thing, but that's a sweet offer, maybe a few people will accept..

and I may have to, um.. sample your giblet gravy at a later date
mavsman777's Avatar
Thanks for the generous offer! Unfortunately, I already have plans with the family.

Maybe some other time. 😊
Boltfan's Avatar
Very kind
sparrow1122's Avatar
Way cool of ya! Just want to reach out and give you a hug! I can't make it as we will be out of town. Hope you have a great time!
I've already got plans but that is very sweet. I do hope to...umm...feast at your table someday soon. Save me some breasts and thighs, please.
DallasRain's Avatar
How sweet of you....sounds yummy if I was in town......Happy Thanksginging to you & to all Dallas peoples!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I do hope to...umm...feast at your table someday soon. Save me some breasts and thighs, please. Originally Posted by AlGrant
God! can't you just say it's a nice gesture, without injecting sexual innuendo?!

and I may have to, um.. sample your giblet gravy at a later date Originally Posted by Chung Tran
oh wait.. never mind
Super nice .....
Super sweet of you. Definitely my loss as I will be out of town. Best of luck. I bet it's gong to be awesome!!!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-25-2015, 04:37 PM
Great offer and very generous of you, sounds like a great time
playerplano's Avatar
That is incredibly generous of you to offer.

Until this afternoon I didn't have any plans but now I do :-( . I really hope you have many people take you up on your offer and you are surrounded by warmth and happiness through all the holidays.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Probably more fun than some if us will have with relatives, but alas, duty calls.
What an amazing woman you are! I hope you have a good time tomorrow. Happy holidays.
Well, I guess I'm gonna be there! LOL! PM me with address and I can probably bring some apps and alcohol!!