Plan you normally have one?

I have been in the hobby less than a year..but am learning the value of having a plan b...esp since I normally travel from Tyler to hobby in Dallas...larger selection of ladies to choose from. From you guys that hobby...does almost everyone use plan b protection? If you have a plan b do you contact the lady in advance to see if she is available and how do you address the issue with the back up provider? Ladies...please don't think bad of me...just that things happen and sometimes the plan a provider has to cancel.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Oh yeah, dude. If you plan to hobby in Dallas, you'd be better off having a contingency plan in case Plan A falls through (and it will at some point, and more than once).
daty/o's Avatar
Oh yeah, dude. If you plan to hobby in Dallas, you'd be better off having a contingency plan in case Plan A falls through (and it will at some point, and more than once). Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Absolutely. If you are going to make the drive, cya, but Dallas has an unbelievable level of quality providers and many are available on short notice. Do some research and always have a few numbers with you and I would be surprised if you went home unhappy.
you might also want to get a plan C and D too, trust me. And make sure those ladies are the ones that will see you on very short notice, there are a few out there.
tsrv4me's Avatar
I dont have a lot of providers that I see ......just a select few .....but on occasion they may be booked or other commitments ..I would recommend that you have a plan C and D as well as plan B ...I have had to go to D on occasion ....and even been left out in the cold when all were busy ..but YES you better have an alternative plan when travelling that far ...and they will understand .....T
DFK Hunter's Avatar
The last time I scheduled an appointment Plan A got sick, plan B had a family emergency, plans C & D both had last minute scheduling conflicts, and plan E had Aunt Flow drop by unexpectedly.

It is difficult to schedule an appointment with another provider when you knowingly have plans. The best I've been able to do is have a good relationship with several providers for short notice appointments and hope for the best.
I usually don't have a plan B. If A does not work out then I usually skip the idea altogether. Occasionally though I wished I had a plan B but it has not been a huge issue for me.
rachet3375's Avatar
I have gotten to where I pack a netbook along with me so I can find a plan B, C or D. Used to gather up some alt #s for that but got burned some. Having online access enroute helps a lot.
CoHorn's Avatar
I'm fortunate that I haven't really needed a plan B. I basically schedule with consistant providers that know how to manage their business. I have been cancelled on a couple times (shit happens), but I just consider it money saved and pick another day. I'm not married, live locally, and have a pretty wideopen schedule, so I don't have the time constraints that others have.
bigmarv's Avatar
I usually plan all my fun activities for the afternoons and if they don't work out then I just go play a round of Golf and see Ruby Palms and her five lovely sisters later in the evening.
Eklutna's Avatar
I seem to be one of the few that has never had the need for plan B, but I'm sure my time will come. I usually schedule several days in advance and have never had trouble.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Most providers need one for me.
OMG!!! so i was reading this thinking....

who the hell keeps a plan b on hand?!!?
is he seriously asking for bareback?!?!?!

then i realized,
you are NOT talking about the plan b--next day contraceptive!!

carry on folks!! ...
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
OMG!!! so i was reading this thinking....

who the hell keeps a plan b on hand?!!?
is he seriously asking for bareback?!?!?!

then i realized,
you are NOT talking about the plan b--next day contraceptive!!

carry on folks!! ... Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti
LOL Yeah, I thought a condom was plan a. Only need plan b if it breaks.
Valentine Michael's Avatar
AMPs make a good plan b.