when selecting a provider............

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-17-2009, 05:38 PM
ok im asking this for a reason, i got a call from a client today and he was at a bbq with his family,
and asked could he see me later...now what made him think of me? was he looking for something in
particular? do you have a short list of provider for every mood? i was wondering when the mood strikes
what makes you call a certain provider?

and this is not about me, it is a question.......
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 05-17-2009, 05:59 PM
Fawn I am new to this site, long time hobbyist, as well as a Mod on another similar site.
When I saw your question I asked my self Yea why??
Then I went to your profile and your web site, No longer a question!!
Now the only question is Why NOt!!!
Only regret I have is I am in the Northeast and so far from you!!
First is what I am aching for. Raunchy session or sweet cuddling. Thrill of the unknown in a new provider or the comfort of an existing one. Quick BJ release or full session. Tight little body or nice soft squeezings. I never know what but when it hits and exceeds my sense of security, I make the call.

The lady will always have a face I find attractive.

I will admit that price plays an important role as I am having to conserve funds now. So nothing over $200. Closer to $100 the more interested. This significantly limits my choices so I keep a list of ladies in that range so I don't have to go through all the ads every time the urge hits.

Unfortunately, this means I currently have five new and three previous ladies at the top of my list that I am dying to see and it becomes hard to choose.
steverino50's Avatar
My "moods" don't swing all that much. What I am looking for is consistency with just a bit of adventure. A comfort zone with just a bit of excitement. A beauty who wants to be pleased as much as please. I am lucky. I have a handful of favorites that satisfy very well. I normally stay within my list so it becomes a matter of timing and availability.

I also have a "bucket list". Providers and/or activities I would like to try when the opportunity presents itself. Geez, timing is darn near everything.
Mesquitor's Avatar
As a relatively new hobbyist (in my early fifties) I've spent considerable time in the background doing a lot of research on the ladies. I've noticed that, although I am sure impressed with the younger, "WOW" ladies (and my mind can easily wander into some pretty cool scenarios with them), I've subconsciously leaned more seriously to the ladies in their 30's who have a more mature beauty.

I'm more prone to enjoy the whole package of an encounter . . . the smiles, the cuddles, the romance part, if you will. I recall a wonderful evening with a well known provided in Austin last month. We did a LOT(!) but when I'm sitting on my lawn mower in my yard and letting my mind go back to that evening, what stands out the most was when she was lying next to me as we were talking. Something was said and she looked up into my eyes and started giggling, and then rolled over and snuggled her face into my neck and shoulder area. Now THAT'S GFE!

Beauty carries a certain score here, but the way the lady carries herself, expresses her thoughts, and adds to the total experience is, to me, the reason that I would call her.

Just my $ .02 . . . adjusted, of course, for inflation!

Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 05-18-2009, 03:08 AM
Good Q, Fawn.

For me, I always have about 3 or 4 ladies that I want to see. When I'm at the family BBQ and all of a sudden realize that I may have a couple of hours free time AND I just came from the ATM, I just make my pick of those 3 - 4 but mostly based on "how close is the incall from where I am, which is currently running a special (if I know), how easy is it to schedule, and do I have her number handy". Whichever one meets the most of those criteria is the one I give a call.

Let me give you a quick "semi-example". I have 2 providers that I have advanced some $ and they are repaying via sessions. So it's free, but if it's not close, I don't give them a call. I call someone closer, if I have their number.
St.Mateo's Avatar
Its all in what I am in the mood for and the availabilty of the meeting happening. Pretty bland and basic but it works
Top Gun's Avatar
It depends on the BBQ menu and what was on his plate...

Assume BBQ chicken and he picked a breast or leg....well that got him thinking.
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 05-22-2009, 12:05 AM
As FMH said some of it is mood do I want PSE, cuddling, just a BBJ to finish as examples. The other aspect is the individual I may want to talk philosophy with someone, have a glass of wine while cuddling, sit in a bath/shower with candles and champagne before we do the deed. Other times I want some young tight hottie or an older mature tight hottie.

My problem is I love women and all of the different shapes, sizes and colors women come in. Start adding personality, intelligence, character, empathy, etc.., it creates a wonderful world of having many different experiences with no one experience being better or worse then any other experience, just different. Frankly it’s wonderful.
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
There are women that I have met that we share great personal chemistry. Those women always rank at the top of my list.

When the personal chemistry is not available, coming in a close second is the physical chemistry. Which can sometimes trump personal chemistry if I'm really horny. (BTW, which is 17 hours a day)

Third, someone new. The opportunity to see and make a new friend is always appealing to me. Or seeing an old friend with a new companion can make for interesting date too.

Time of day has a lot to do with it. I'm a nightowl...so I love providers that can accommodate a late night session without a lot of problems. If I'm out in a the middle of the day, those sessions are usually scheduled well in advance. But I love a girl that can deal with spontaneity. Sometimes a couple of hours of notice is the best I can do.

The best way to influence a session is to make it personally memorable for me. Being a great hostess and demonstrating hospitality goes a long way to being placed in a special Big El Hall of honor...versus those that are merely nothing more than a booty call.

Having met you, Fawn, face to face in public meeting...I'm looking forward to you being in up against the wall in my hall of honor.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-14-2009, 07:52 PM
Having met you, Fawn, face to face in public meeting...I'm looking forward to you being in up against the wall in my hall of honor. Originally Posted by elpocitopolloloco
well honey, im ready when you get ready......
I don't BBQ, but do get the urge to call on a provider while playing my Xbox 360.

Seriously, after surviving two failed marriages and being fairly young still, I just want to explore as much as possible. I guess I'm trying to make up for lost time. I really like meeting new providers and the adventure(s) they'll bring.

Since I'm a fairly new hobbyist (but I've been keeping busy, heh!), I'm still trying to figure the who, what and where in re to providers.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
It depends on the BBQ menu and what was on his plate...

Assume BBQ chicken and he picked a breast or leg....well that got him thinking. Originally Posted by Top Gun

superbigfish's Avatar
Assume BBQ chicken and he picked a breast or leg....well that got him thinking. Originally Posted by Top Gun

I guess that would be better than a hot dog or bratwurst!!!
Kelly TNT's Avatar

Umm.....yes, I think he'd be calling some BOyDY else! ;D

Just my guess though.....

~Kelly TNT