The Next HH

PoppyToyota's Avatar
With the next HH being just around the corner I thought I would ask the ladies a question. Last social I noticed a few gentleman had a date for the party. Do the ladies like to have a date for the party? OR Do you prefer to fly solo to mingle with everyone more? How much is the fee typically for such an event like this? Not for sure if this is something I am looking for yet but, I am interested in knowing for future reference.

Thanks in advance for your responses.

Well IMO if you escort a provider to HH then do not COCK BLOCK the guys that want to meet her.

PS. Kelly notice I did not use the word that offends your vagina.
  • YSD
  • 06-05-2009, 10:12 AM
Thanks SP Hunter, I totally agree. Also, the last HH also had some guys who monopolized a couple of the providers so some of us couldn't get close enough to introduce ourselves. Mingling is a key word for these, so guys please don't hang on to a girl and hoard all of her time.
It can be nice either way.

I personally like to have a date that can take me on his arm and introduce me to every one. I am pretty quiet so walking up to you guys is not a easy thing for me. How ever if you came up to me I would love to talk.

Last one I sat at a table not to far from the bar and went outside .. I know I didn't meet even half of the ppl that were there.

Debating at trip down before my surgery. With my knee I just can't walk around to easily in a crowd tho.
TBONE's Avatar
  • 06-05-2009, 11:24 AM
I agree with SP. I usually bring a date, however I make sure I don't "hover" around her all night so we BOTH get to mingle.
I try to talk with everyone who attends.
If I bring a date to a social, I consider it a marketing event. She needs to socialize and I would like to also. If we agreed to have a session later, then all I ask is that she not leave me hanging and vice versa.

I have had a woman ask me to watch for a signal if she needs rescuing. Once in a while, a guy will dominate someone's time or be too invasive of her personal space. Sometime the guy is drunk, sometimes he is just clueless.
I have also had a gal rescue me from someone I wanted to get away from, too.

just my boring 2 cents today.
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I have also had a gal rescue me from someone I wanted to get away from, too. Originally Posted by cpi3000
So that's why you were tugging you ear so much when we were talking. Look, I know I'm boring you can just tell me to go away. I was starting to think you were going to pull it off.

It can be nice either way.

I personally like to have a date that can take me on his arm and introduce me to every one. Originally Posted by TheHorseTrainer
Now that you mention that, and going a little bit off topic if I may, I would like to give many thanks to CSI for being such a good sport to everyone who attends the Happy Hour. This guy goes out of his way to make sure he introduces the ladies to most of the guys attending the Happy Hour. I know many will think that it is an easy thing to do but, he is the only one I have noticed who consistently does it. If there are some other guys out there who also do it, my apologies for not mentioning you here, and please just keep doing it.

Again CSI thanks for the service you provide

I am certain you have made life a little easier for those attending the socials on more than one occasion. I am sure many of the ladies appreciate it too.

Take care,


CSI's Avatar
  • CSI
  • 06-05-2009, 06:33 PM
Now that you mention that, and going a little bit off topic if I may, I would like to give many thanks to CSI for being such a good sport to everyone who attends the Happy Hour. This guy goes out of his way to make sure he introduces the ladies to most of the guys attending the Happy Hour. I know many will think that it is an easy thing to do but, he is the only one I have noticed who consistently does it. If there are some other guys out there who also do it, my apologies for not mentioning you here, and please just keep doing it.

Again CSI thanks for the service you provide

I am certain you have made life a little easier for those attending the socials on more than one occasion. I am sure many of the ladies appreciate it too.

Take care,


Originally Posted by Matador
Thanks for the recogniion and kind words, Matador.

If possible, I will try to have a session with a lady before the social. Then, I will take her to the social and have a little social time. After an hour or so, I will take her around the room and introduce her to all that I can - guys and gals. Then, I leave her with someone she seems interested in and move on to another lady and do the same. This has allowed me to meet a lot of guys and gals. It's a lot of fun, too.

BTW, SP I have busted up some of those cock blockers, too, by just grabbing the gals hand and off we go.

fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-05-2009, 09:23 PM
everyone knows im a little social buttery fly.........i love going solo....that way i am not obligated to say in one spot...i love meeting everyone.....
You have to work to meet the people that you would like to see at these events. If you have someone in mind who you are considering scheduling with in the future, be sure to hunt them down. A lot of the women get swarmed by guys and you may have to edge your way into a crowd in order to meet them.

The ladies have made a great impression on me at these events are the ones who will make the effort to mingle.
The ladies have made a great impression on me at these events are the ones who will make the effort to mingle. Originally Posted by -Lit-
The last one I was unable to do much of that due to my knee.

What if a lady is fairly shy and not a butterfly unless having a few drinks? How is a lady suppose to make a impression then?
ControlFreak's Avatar
Have a few more drinks
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I seen some references to cock blocking and hoarding a ladies time. There are exceptions to what I am about to say. I think that the women choose who and how much time they spend with someone. There is a reason why some guys always have women around them, and others (including me sometimes) are walking and looking around for someone to talk to. People like to be around fun and interesting people. Sometimes I am not as talkative and a little more reserved. No one wants to stand and try to force conversation out of someone. That's part of the reason why I was inquiring about having a companion for the evening. Because I know for me personally the earlier I start talking to everyone, laughing, and having a good time. The more talkative, interesting, and playful I am. Which tanslates to more fun for all.

Thank You everyone for responding!
Have a few more drinks Originally Posted by ControlFreak
Unfortunately I can't drink with the meds I take for my knee.