How Low Can You Go?

elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Recently, I've noticed two things happening in our current economy.

  1. There are more beautiful women vying for my every discretionary dollar than ever before. There are so many little time.
  2. I've noticed that a lot of girls are entering the market at rock-bottom donations.
Hobby Pricing is much like all merchandising. There's the MSRP. Very few pay MSRP. There's the dealer/discounter's price. Most people are fine here. Then there's the street-price. I'm finding a lot of dealers entering the market at the amazingly low street price.

Personally, there's a high price I won't pay...and there's a low price I won't pay. So the question is, how low is too low?

When a provider has a low price, does that scare you that something might be wrong with her or do you just think DFW is having a sale on "pussy" this week?

The other thought is does the provider's price say more about you than it does about her?

I know we are in a tight economy and everybody wants value for their money. But is there a low-end limit?

Just something I've been curious about as I look at different provider ads. I would love to hear thoughts from providers too.
LatexLover's Avatar
Recently, I've noticed two things happening in our current economy.

Personally, there's a high price I won't pay...and there's a low price I won't pay. So the question is, how low is too low?

When a provider has a low price, does that scare you that something might be wrong with her or do you just think DFW is having a sale on "pussy" this week?

Originally Posted by elpocitopolloloco
Its the old Betty Crocker principle. When cake batter started to get boxed Betty Crocker was the first to hit the market and they sold cake mix for .10 a box. After a year at this pricing with limited success they raise the price to a quarter for a box and tripled their sales. Now pussy should never be confused with cake mix but there is definitley a sweet spot for pricing in both. I always use the old adage if its too good to be true it probably is for the low end. I just cant see a circumstance to where I would pay much over about 250 an hour on the high end. I mean how gold plated can your pussy be if your gonna charge 300 an hour? Maybe one day I'll take the plunge and see what all the fuss is about.
ControlFreak's Avatar
What you feel comfortable with is what you should consider. High prices not always relate to great service. Low prices conversly not always relate to bad service. There are some very pop[ular $60.00 blow and go providers that are very well reviewed. There are HDH that are very well reviewed. And unfortunately there are both that have some bad reviews. I would say the average cost in the MetroPlex is $200.00 to $250.00 and very good service at both ends of that range. The best thing to do is your homework:
  • Reserach the variuos types of providers for the type you want
    Look at each ones menu
    Look at the prices offered
    Look at their incall location for convenience to you
    Make choises of 3 women
    Emial all three to establish a recognition with them
    Ask any questions you have
    Make a choice and live with it.

At least these are my thoughts on the program of purchasing Pussy.
This is one industry Obama does not have to bail out.
JRush's Avatar
  • JRush
  • 06-19-2009, 10:04 PM
When times get tough we all do what is necessary to survive. My business is dependent on the success of these girls. If their income gets cut, they can't spend as much on my service so I had to follow their lead and lower my prices too. I hope they understand that while discounting their prices, their quality should never be compromised. When the dust settles, the cream (no pun) will always rise to the top.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-20-2009, 07:53 PM
there are a lot of different fee's out there, to which blow my mind for you guys...i charge my fee because when you come see me you are getting
much more that a sexual feeling.... when you come see me i dont care
if youre over weight, skinny, ugly or good looking, i treat you all the same..
because when i meet you i will find what makes you shine, and trust me everyone is a star in my book... i will find the good quality in each and every person that comes through my door... that's why i have never had a bad session..and i never will.... i am a very down to earth kind of person that doesn't think she is better that an one else and i treat people with respect ..
and that is how i have earned my respect in this business and why i charge what i do....because i give a real quality service ....

and im not saying that the girls that charge 80 aren't giving a quality service, i was just telling you why i charge
what i do....
steverino50's Avatar
when you come see me i dont care
if youre over weight, skinny, ugly or good looking, i treat you all the same..
because when i meet you i will find what makes you shine, and trust me everyone is a star in my book... i will find the good quality in each and every person that comes through my door... Originally Posted by fawn
Fawn, just between you and me, you do make me feel like a star! Everytime!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 06-21-2009, 06:15 AM
Fawn, just between you and me, you do make me feel like a star! Everytime! Originally Posted by steverino50

that is because you shine so bright when you walk through my door...........
xave007's Avatar
What you feel comfortable with is what you should consider. High prices not always relate to great service. Low prices conversly not always relate to bad service. There are some very pop[ular $60.00 blow and go providers that are very well reviewed. There are HDH that are very well reviewed. And unfortunately there are both that have some bad reviews. I would say the average cost in the MetroPlex is $200.00 to $250.00 and very good service at both ends of that range. The best thing to do is your homework:
  • Reserach the variuos types of providers for the type you want
    Look at each ones menu
    Look at the prices offered
    Look at their incall location for convenience to you
    Make choises of 3 women
    Emial all three to establish a recognition with them
    Ask any questions you have
    Make a choice and live with it.

At least these are my thoughts on the program of purchasing Pussy. Originally Posted by ControlFreak
It seems that you could see most women who charged 250 before for 200 now. I know guys are decreasing their budget. I have a friend who is a AMP regular now thinks that he may be able to get good sessions for 150 or 175 because of the amount of specials instead of spending 200 at AMP and possibly getting heat from LE.
  • YSD
  • 06-22-2009, 04:25 PM
Right now it is a buyers market. Hooray for the buyers and sellers.