So... am I retiring or what?!?

Adrienne Knight's Avatar
Hey guys..

Wanted to bring up something I'm sure a lot of you are wondering about...
My retirement.

First you hear August, then September...
We're clearly in October now. What the heck is goin on? Lol
I usually don't talk about my personal life here on the board, and I'll keep it short. I met someone (outside of the hobby), things started to get more serious. So out of respect for my partner I was going to quit hobbying.
Well.. That relationship ended abruptly last month.
Shit happens.

Truthfully... I'm not sure I was ready to go anyways!
I like the people I've met here. And maybe it will make some of you happy to know that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

I'm officially un-retiring!

(If that's not a 'thing' then I just made it one)

My availability is kinda weird. Mostly weekends now.
And mondays... Sometimes?
I'll be updating my showcase shortly.
Recently updated the pics, and there's more to come!

Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!!
BTW.. Thanks for all the great reviews I've been seeing!
I really appreciate it.
Take care!
Appreciate your openness. Maybe I will get to meet you one of these days.
Adrienne Knight's Avatar
Of course!
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
Good to hear, perhaps will meet BCD in the future, love the chocolate Ladies... 😎😎
pickupkid's Avatar
Welcome back Sweete
levi tab's Avatar
Maybe with my messed up work schedule we can meet up sometime, it's been a long while since I've had your pleasures
Thanks for keeping us in the loop.
Bbbj Receiver's Avatar
Nice to know...back on the to do list you go!
mwsatx's Avatar
Appreciate your candor and honesty. You've always been on my TDL. Hopefully we can get together soon.