Swing state...the liberal Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's endorsement...good read.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette hasn't endorsed a republican in 48 YRS!! I have to give it to them, they are a pragmatic leftwing paper and they understand what is at stake in the country and understand what is best for this country and the people in it, this guy is a true America and for taht I applauded him ...this article is very succinct.

They don't particularly care for him as a person but understand that it's not the personality that makes the country prosper but the policies of that person and the other option would be a terrible blow to this country. It's nice to see them putting country over politics as should anyone that loves their country...as he says in this article "can we separate the man from the record." In this article he states facts...if anyone can disprove them please provide links.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
OCT 31, 2020 10:23 PM
“He’s unpresidential.”

“He’s crude and unkind.”

“He’s just not a good man.”

These things, and much worse, are commonly said of President Donald Trump. His personality totally eclipses his record.

So we, seemingly, have him on the dunk tank, ready for a very cold bath.

Let’s play dump the lout.

But is this really what it’s about?

Isn’t the real question whether he has been taking the country, and the economy of this region, in the right direction these last four years?

Can we separate the man from the record?

We share the embarrassment of millions of Americans who are disturbed by the president’s unpresidential manners and character — his rudeness and put-downs and bragging and bending of the truth.

None of this can be justified. The president’s behavior often has diminished his presidency, and the presidency. Most Americans want a president who makes them proud.

We too prefer the first-class temperament and demeanor of a Winston Churchill, a Dwight Eisenhower, a Franklin Roosevelt, a Ronald Reagan, or a Barack Obama (whom this newspaper enthusiastically supported in 2008 and 2012). None of them are on the ballot this year.

Let’s look at the Trump record:

Under Donald Trump the economy, pre-COVID, boomed, like no time since the 1950s. Look at your 401(k) over the past three years.

Unemployment for Black Americans is lower than it has ever been, under any president of either party.

Under Mr. Trump, our trade relationships have vastly improved and our trade deals have been rewritten. Thanks to him, middle America is on the map again and the Appalachian and hourly worker has some hope.

Has Mr. Trump done enough for these struggling fellow citizens? No. But he recognized them. Maybe he was not articulate, but he recognized their pain.

No one ever asked the American people, or the people in “flyover,” country, if they wanted to send their jobs abroad — until Mr. Trump. He has moved the debate, in both parties, from free trade, totally unfettered, to managed, or fair, trade. He has put America first, just as he said he would.

He also kept his promise to appoint originalists to the Supreme Court of the United States. His third appointment, Amy Coney Barrett, is the best of all — a jurist whose mind and character and scholarship ARE first class. We hope she stands against both judicial and executive excess.

Finally, let’s talk about one of the most important concerns in this region — energy. Under Mr. Trump the United States achieved energy independence for the first time in the lifetimes of most of us. Where would Western Pennsylvania be without the Shell Petrochemical Complex (the “cracker plant”)?

Donald Trump is not Churchill, to be sure, but he gets things done.

He is not a unifier. He often acts like the president of his base, not the whole country. He has done nothing to lessen our divisions and has, in fact, often deepened them. The convictions and intellect of all Americans should be respected by ALL Americans, especially the president.

Has Mr. Trump handled the pandemic perfectly? No. But no one masters a pandemic. And the president was and is right that we must not cower before the disease and we have to keep America open and working.

He has not listened well to people who could have helped him. He has not learned government, or shown interest in doing so.

But the Biden-Harris ticket offers us higher taxes and a nanny state that will bow to the bullies and the woke who would tear down history rather than learning from history and building up the country.

It offers an end to fracking and other Cuckoo California dreams that will cost the economy and the people who most need work right now. “Good-paying green jobs” are probably not jobs for Pittsburgh, or Cleveland, or Toledo, or Youngstown.

It offers softness on China, which Mr. Trump understands is our enemy.

Mr. Biden is too old for the job, and fragile. There is a very real chance he will not make it through the term. Mr. Trump is also too old but seemingly robust. But in Mike Pence, Mr. Trump has a vice president ready to take over, if need be. He is a safe pair of hands. Sen. Kamala Harris gives no evidence of being ready to be president.

This newspaper has not supported a Republican for president since 1972. But we believe Mr. Trump, for all his faults, is the better choice this year. We respect and understand those who feel otherwise. We wish that we could be more enthusiastic and we hope the president can become more dignified and statesmanlike. Each American must make up his or her own mind and do what he or she thinks is best for the community and the republic. Vote your conscience. And, whatever happens, believe in the country.

First Published October 31, 2020
winn dixie's Avatar
Good Read!
  • Tiny
  • 11-01-2020, 03:48 PM
If Trump wins this election, there's a good chance it will be because people employed in oil and gas in Pennsylvania realize that they'll be out of their jobs and the means to support their families if Biden's energy policies are implemented and maintained. While he flip flops on fracking, he's very clear that ultimately he wants to go to "0" net carbon emissions. And Kamala Harris would end fracking ASAP if she had the power to do so.
matchingmole's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
Another maroon with nothing of substances...typical libtard troll...get back in you holemole.
If Trump wins this election, there's a good chance it will be because people employed in oil and gas in Pennsylvania realize that they'll be out of their jobs and the means to support their families if Biden's energy policies are implemented and maintained. While he flip flops on fracking, he's very clear that ultimately he wants to go to "0" net carbon emissions. And Kamala Harris would end fracking ASAP if she had the power to do so. Originally Posted by Tiny
Do you know of any blue collar worker in the oil & gas industry who isn't worried about their jobs and providing for their families. Ol' senile Joe in the last debate really stuck his foot in this mouth when he told Trump to post the many videos of him saying the assinie NO MORE FRACKING quotes...that is a shit load of people that he is alienating...in critical swing states!!
winn dixie's Avatar
If Trump wins this election, there's a good chance it will be because people employed in oil and gas in Pennsylvania realize that they'll be out of their jobs and the means to support their families if Biden's energy policies are implemented and maintained. While he flip flops on fracking, he's very clear that ultimately he wants to go to "0" net carbon emissions. And Kamala Harris would end fracking ASAP if she had the power to do so. Originally Posted by Tiny
For Trump, he must carry Penn. and N.C.
  • Tiny
  • 11-01-2020, 04:24 PM
Do you know of any blue collar worker in the oil & gas industry who isn't worried about their jobs and providing for their families. Originally Posted by bb1961
No. Or white collar worker. You want to talk about the Hispanic and black vote? In the oilfield it's overwhelmingly for Republicans, even more so this year. I know Hispanics who have voted for Democrats all their lives who will be voting for Trump this time around, because of this issue. If fact I know one woman, Hispanic, who detests Trump but is now thinking about voting for him because her brother works in the oilfield and she sees the writing on the wall. Her community, friends and family will all be screwed if Democratic politicians regulate the oil and gas industry to the point where it eventually disappears. And this is the stated aim of most of the Democratic contenders for the presidential nomination this year, including Joe Biden.

Will it change the outcome of the election this year? Probably not, but who knows, it's possible. You do see Biden backpedaling, saying he only wants to end subsidies for the oil industry, because of this issue and because he doesn't want to lose Pennsylvania.

That's a laugh by the way, because subsidies for oil and gas are negligible compared to the size of the industry. Solar and wind are getting the subsidies. And as I've mentioned before, oil and gas producers and refiners pay severance taxes and gasoline taxes respectively, which other businesses don't pay. The oil and gas industry is subsidizing the USA, not the other way around.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 04:54 PM
bb - Thank you Good Sir - it is a good read and accurate.

Trump is not perfect - the alternative is a marxist takeover of America, destruction of the energy industry, and catapulting America into poverty for all but the upper 1% - and the DPST nomenklatura who feel they have the Right to Rule regardless.

All the DPST's on site are currently 'triggered' and will take 24-48 hours to recover!
No. Or white collar worker. You want to talk about the Hispanic and black vote? In the oilfield it's overwhelmingly for Republicans, even more so this year. I know Hispanics who have voted for Democrats all their lives who will be voting for Trump this time around, because of this issue. If fact I know one woman, Hispanic, who detests Trump but is now thinking about voting for him because her brother works in the oilfield and she sees the writing on the wall. Her community, friends and family will all be screwed if Democratic politicians regulate the oil and gas industry to the point where it eventually disappears. And this is the stated aim of most of the Democratic contenders for the presidential nomination this year, including Joe Biden.

Will it change the outcome of the election this year? Probably not, but who knows, it's possible. You do see Biden backpedaling, saying he only wants to end subsidies for the oil industry, because of this issue and because he doesn't want to lose Pennsylvania.

That's a laugh by the way, because subsidies for oil and gas are negligible compared to the size of the industry. Solar and wind are getting the subsidies. And as I've mentioned before, oil and gas producers and refiners pay severance taxes and gasoline taxes respectively, which other businesses don't pay. The oil and gas industry is subsidizing the USA, not the other way around. Originally Posted by Tiny
You are 100% correct. The products manufactured with oil byproducts are in the tens of thousands...most people don't know that. If wind and solar were a profitable venture the oil industry would be investing heavily...the only way that the wind and solar industry survive is because they are HEAVILY subsidized if not 100% by the gummet. Oil is the life blood of the world will be around for a long time to come. The ideology of the left on many things is very twisted...hence the "green new deal"...even a lot on left know that shit is complete nonsense.
  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 05:13 PM
Ask AOC/ Bernie if their Soylent Green new Deal is nonsense - anyone - even 9500- can predict their answer!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I noticed this thread had one star. I can tell by the comments that Yinzerville is trending Romney!

PA will go to Biden, unless Twitler somehow manages to fuck with the election.

But even with his distraction and tantrumization, I believe Election Day will yield a Biden landslide. Twitler will wish he hadn’t tried to fuck with voters

  • oeb11
  • 11-01-2020, 05:20 PM
did YR/hh/multiple handles even read the article ?
would yr/hh/multiple handles comprehend it if it is read?
winn dixie's Avatar
did YR/hh/multiple handles even read the article ?
would yr/hh/multiple handles comprehend it if it is read? Originally Posted by oeb11
Hes stricken with TDS!
I noticed this thread had one star. I can tell by the comments that Yinzerville is trending Romney!

PA will go to Biden, unless Twitler somehow manages to fuck with the election.

But even with his distraction and tantrumization, I believe Election Day will yield a Biden landslide. Twitler will wish he hadn’t tried to fuck with voters

LOL! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
HoseHummer you're nothing but a thread hijacker spewing your brainless nonsense...you have no cogent counterpoint to the article so you show us you lack of any thought process what so ever. You are the only one that is concerned with meaningless stars of a thread, your self-anointed childish threads with 5 stars are laughable...which doesn't mean a fucking thing only to the small minded thread hijackers

I believe Election Day will yield a Biden landslide.
What you BELIEVE and REALITY are two different things