What to do before I leave......

Whispers's Avatar
How do I go out with a bang?

What do I do to leave the place in the style and fashion others have become accustomed to?

The plan to get Hunter drunk and dancing so she can provide extras in VIP at the party is already in place..... ( The Green Jello Shots are JUST for you and Ztonk HG)

Plans for 19 Trees proper indoctrination are also in place..... SixxBach is making the selections as "Whispers promised Trees a Ton of Fun should Trees come to the Luncheon" I put a $1200 Budget on it and Sixxbach says he can line up 2200lbs of high quality CockSuckers in 6 women or less which is all the budget probably allows for.....

Fucking with Mokoa has been on my Bucket list for a long time now..... 8 pages of contributions made towards his Comedy Roast have been submitted by his fans...

Visiting Kboys wife at her place of employment and saying " Hello... I'm his Investment Counselor Friend that he blames everything on and we should talk.. You have a very inaccurate opinion of me" is another Bucket List Item.....

Posting one of those puzzles where you match accomplishments on one side of a list with Names of famous people on the other and listing all those things we really can't talked about and the Providers that do them is being pressed for! I've been brainstorming for years how to slip that past the MODs within the guidelines of the board..... I just might have it figured out.... If not... Ehhhhh.. I'm leaving anyway!

I am open for suggestions....

Email, PM or Text me that thing that has nagged at you that you REALLY wished you or someone would post but you never had the balls for it....

You'll exit for for awhile but circumstances and life will bring you right back just like most everyone else.
Best to just vanish quietly like I do only to reemerge 6 months to a year down the line before vanishing again. Never say adios as it leaves one with egg on face when popping back in.

I can't keep track of the number of the newly "retired" providers who resurfaced within months as if nothing ever happened. Same applies to mongers who have made a big ceremony of saying farewell.
In time they break up or get bored with the SO and head right back for a quick dip in the hobby pool.
Same applies to myself only difference is I never say goodbye. I simply leave without locking the door behind me. I may or may not return.

whispers, you old coot, haters gonna hate (as you well know) but if you found a hot peice of young sweet ass that you're in love with, fuck it! I say make a decent woman outta her and be happy together. Maybe Cody is right, but I think there's someone for every crazy, fucked up one of us. Hell, for some there might even be two or three!

I say who cares how it ends, if anyone's sober enough to remember they probably weren't really there!
knotty man's Avatar
i believe a true realtionship is between a man and a woman..........and another woman
Just exit quietly with your close friends by your side, enjoying each others company one last time.......that is til you come back.

whispers, you old coot, haters gonna hate (as you well know) but if you found a hot peice of young sweet ass that you're in love with, fuck it! I say make a decent woman outta her and be happy together. Maybe Cody is right, but I think there's someone for every crazy, fucked up one of us. Hell, for some there might even be two or three!

I say who cares how it ends, if anyone's sober enough to remember they probably weren't really there! Originally Posted by Kitty D'Luxe
Definitely not hating on Whispers but my point is that if the departure is due to Eccie being unhealthy for the relationship then why stick around several days or weeks longer making a big deal about leaving?

Simply make the decision and log off whether it be for a day, month, years or forever. Have a great life away from the hobby however leave the door open for your return whenever you want.

I also think Whispers enjoys the interaction and attention received here too much to be gone for very long. It's his intellectual playground. Same applies to RR who clearly is still around after a huge farewell thread. I'm not criticizing this at all but merely pointing out the pointlessness of public farewells. A true farewell is to simply delete one's account and leave everyone wondering.
Mine was not a retirement thread , it was a fuck you thread . And other than a couple post in friends threads , I am not contributing as I was , and wont be in Austin .
I'm the one who opened the "survey can of worms" on RR's "retirement." Like F2C said, he never left. He's only backing off onto the sidelines. But, Cody, I believe there is some rhyme and reason to what you have stated so far on this thread. Best just to slip quietly away. Some providers do that, and stay gone. And, like you said, some will come back. And the ones who come back after making it public, do have that "egg on their face."

Ooops....didn't mean to hijack. I might suggest to Whispers: why don't you run naked all the way down 6th street! ;-)
pyramider's Avatar
Is Wayward in charge of digging the hole?
fun2come's Avatar
Posting your prenup so we all can find holes in it just in case ....
How can we miss you if you don't go away???
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
How can we miss you if you don't go away??? Originally Posted by Lynksman

We DON'T CARE WHIMPERS, just hurry up and DO IT !!!
Whispers's Avatar
With so many trying to convince me to stay I guess I should reconsider!
Welcome back....it seems like only yesterday we were saying farewell.

With so many trying to convince me to stay I guess I should reconsider! Originally Posted by Whispers
doughboi's Avatar
Just say fuck em all...!