Court Upholds $5 Strip Club Fee

Totempole's Avatar

It just pisses me off on principle, what does a strip club have to do with violence against women.

I suspect a vast majority assholes who beat women do not go to strip clubs and those who visit the clubs do not beat women.

I favor a stupidity tax, that alone would generate plenty of money for such needs.
Raphael's Avatar
It would be more honest to call it a sin tax, which is what it is and is intended to be.

This said, as they are going to raise taxes, I'd rather they raise them on strip joints - and liquor & tobacco stores as well - or pool houses - than raise income taxes.

After all we don't have to smoke, drink or stuff dollar bills in a dancer's ass - lovely as it may be - but we do need that extra bit of earned income to pay for health & auto insurance, school supplies, gas, or what have you and what not.