Neighbors Daughter

sportlooker's Avatar
OK guys I've got to know if this has ever happened to anyone on here and what did you do. I was recently out of town and wanting a little relief. Well I log on to the boards to see who might be around. I click on a post that sounded very intriguing when lo and behold there before me lay my neighbors daughter. She is a fine lady who I have to admit have fantasized about in the past. I thought about calling but then had second thoughts. How awkward would this make seeing my neighbor and then also seeing her when she was in town.

So guys what would you have done?
To give an honest and objective view point a link must be provided.
Flyboy576's Avatar
I'd do it... No question.
Probably would be extra fun...
To give an honest and objective view point a link must be provided. Originally Posted by Headkeeper
Id have to agree..I would need to weigh the risk vs. reward first
danceman's Avatar

If I have a SO living with me in the house next to my neighbor whose daughter I boinked, nope. Too much potential for too much drama.

If it is just me, yep. If anybody says anything? STFU!
Stay far,far away !
kiki2012's Avatar
lmao!!! yep thats true! it be to "weird" lol! especially if u have your s.o.there! yipes!
Tell her you're goin to email dad a link if you dont get some free pussy!
jrewing's Avatar
Knowing all this would just add to the fun, I would have fucked her in a heartbeat.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Ya don't eat where ya shit; ya don't shit where ya eat.

That neighbor may have a gun and loves to shoot.

OK guys I've got to know if this has ever happened to anyone on here and what did you do. I was recently out of town and wanting a little relief. Well I log on to the boards to see who might be around. I click on a post that sounded very intriguing when lo and behold there before me lay my neighbors daughter. She is a fine lady who I have to admit have fantasized about in the past. I thought about calling but then had second thoughts. How awkward would this make seeing my neighbor and then also seeing her when she was in town.

So guys what would you have done? Originally Posted by sportlooker

Ya don't eat where ya shit; ya don't shit where ya eat.

HID Originally Posted by Horn^I^Dog
I had a similar situation with a provider not too long ago .
I had made an appointment to see her and went to room and when door opened I got to looking at the lady and she got to looking at me and lo and behold it dawned on me I was looking at one of my daughters co-workers from where my daughter used to work at and we had all been together before at a party.
we both got to giggling about the situation and couldnt really decide what to do and then it dawned on us both ...if I tell on her she would tell on me and we would both be busted so there was a brief moment of WTF do we do and then she said what the hell I need the money and we both swore never to tell and went about our business as awkward as it was and turned out having fun with each other.
Havent seen her since and yes she still is providing ; But the way I figured can dodge lightening once..just don't make a habit of it or you may get zapped !
Its been almost 2 yrs no harm no foul.
B-Mandingo's Avatar
This sounds like a penthouse forum story in the works. That being said I would have to agree with HID just to be on the safe side. Who needs a gun toting papa on your case while your trying to relax around your place.