Hotels=innie or outtie!!

kiki2012's Avatar
I been asking my regulars how they feel about hotels and lobbys.half say they feel uncomfortable going thru a lobby.I want know what y'all. Think?? Girls and guys! What you prefer?! I'm goin nuts cause not many options around that doesn't have bad name to it! Lolol
kiki2012's Avatar
And doesn't make u nuts when housekeeping knocks on door?? Shit !!
psyaddict21's Avatar
I know walking through a lobby makes it seems as if every eye is on you. But not you are not going to find too many descent hotels without one.
I carry a bag with me and never give it a second thought. As I travel a lot for work I have realized these people working in the lobby could care less... They are just there working, and most assume you checked in earlier when they were off. What does bother me is when a provider keeps you waiting in the hall knocking on the door.
kiki2012's Avatar
Lol true!! I always answer quickley. Lmao. I always get paranoid myself tho. Hate that!
A lot of them lock the doors after 9 and you have to give a room number to get in. That kinda sucks.
It doesn't really matter to me either way as long as hotel is clean and in good neighborhood
I always have an excuse why I'm there ready in case anyone asks.
Main thing I hate is having to wait downstairs at some of casinos that you have to have key card to go in elevator .
Someone as good looking as you Kiki I'll gladly
I always have a back pack with me that makes me look like I belong. I also carry some good stuff in it in case we need to try some new things. lol.
The Casinos make me feel at home, but maybe too crowded. The outties make me uncomfortable because the field of view is so great. I like an innie because its a more controlled environment, look left, look right. An innie has usually one way in but multiple ways out... My preference.
kiki2012's Avatar
I also hate bein paranoid. Lol. But their is up's and downs to the office! Lolol
kiki2012's Avatar
I would not go casino. I would be gettin drunk at the quarter slots! Lmao!
ragooh_aus's Avatar
Hotels are always tricky. I went into one once and housekeeping was on the floor. There was also a supervisor there, who approached me to know if they could help me indentify my room. I did not want to say I was there to see Bigtits McStuffins (you never know the lady's real name). This all happened becuase I was given the wrong room number. I had to make up a room number on the fly and a story about how I was at the wrong property.

It is very tricky, these hotels usually have similar staff working, and if the ladies are commmonly using the same places, and see you, and you never check in, and you stay only an hour or two . . .

This is why I prefer outies. I have sometimes even gotten my own place to avoid all of this.

Just my two cents . . .
capt879's Avatar
I like outies but three not many left that are safe
danceman's Avatar
I like innies, then outties, then innies, then outties, repeat as necessary!
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 01-11-2013, 04:28 PM
In my years doing this, I've only been to an outie once. I liked it. No going through a lobby past the front desk. No "helpful" staff to ask if they can help you find a room.

If a lady isn't high volume and keeps changing her incalls, I think outies are a great way to go, especially if it's out of view of the main office. Unfortunately, they seem to be a dying breed, except for the older no-tel types.