Independent review forum debate.

Seems to be a few people who think transgender and male provider reviews should be put in the other category or create another section while only female providers should have reviews posted in the Independent category.

I'm curious as to what folks think.

Whether it's a woman, man, or trans, all are under the independent category if they aren't in an agency. They are all providers and the section doesn't specify gender.

Does eccie need a separate forum? Or should everyone be treated as independents and ignore reviews that might otherwise not be for them. Does anyone not have an opinion one way or another?

Curious what the ladies might have on their take on this heated issue since they can't respond to the review forum.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Interesting topic. Hey, everyone has their preferences, not for me to judge. I am only here looking for "real" women, and have accidentally stumbled into a TS thread or two. Wouldn't mind it being separated, but can live with it the way it is. Might be helpful if all used the TS label all the time, both in user names and thread titles...
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
^^^Agreed, they're doing the same thing we are. Maybe y'all should have a button to click or a different heading for the categories
It's pretty clear that no gender has been assigned to the forums, I don't think a valid argument can be made to support separating forums into genders. So, is the issue that you guys don't want to "accidentally" read a TS review? How about stopping the read once you realize it's offensive to you? Most are titled "TS So and So", right? I am sure even "straight" sex, at times, can be offensive to some, yet you can't request that those reviews be placed in a separate forum.

But, this is beating a dead horse. It just never fails, you will have guys who will post their views and it should be ok. To express discontentment allows for others to express their support of the provider or of the choice the reviewer made. Either way, more visibility for a good reason. Those who do not like TS providers will never go see them, no matter how much someone supports them, but the ones interested just may.

Samcro84's Avatar
^^^ Agree, love being under you baby.
To each his/her own is how I was raised. Why not also set up separate categories for race or for services offered or providers with tattoos or smokers or dog owners or short hair or God forbid a combination of all the above?

Within a millisecond of reading any review, and most often the title alone, you can usually figure out if it's something I have any interest in and decide if I want to read or not. That is my choice.

Taking the time to comment on reviews that you have no interest in just so the world knows how you feel about a subject is your choice too I guess.
Precious_b's Avatar
I think those with a problem with the way things are should flip the bill for running this whole site, pay the Mods a salary, than bring up changing things to the owner of this board.

The latter should NOT take place, with any guarantees in place, BEFORE ALL the previous of the former takes place.
tpepsi's Avatar
I like reading all reviews but I think a separate kinky section like "Another Realm" makes sense. It costs 0.00 dollars to add a new sub forum and takes 2 minutes. Any disk space used for the new forum would also be a net zero as the review would still have to be stored somewhere either in the Independent forum or a new forum.

Somebody created a new handle and stayed up late writing a beautiful TS review, just last night! It almost reads like a Dr. Grey review, very descriptive and hot. I wonder what IP address it came from?

Everybody needs to eat and I have no problem with a TS making a living providing, clearly there is a market for that. I only point out that is a he, not a she. If it was born with a cock its a male, no matter what fantasy PC/Kardashian brainwashed land you are living in. Don't understand why that gets anyone riled up. Did you not study biology in school? You know, XY and XX chromosomes?

We should start a fundraising section forum so we can all donate to these TS folks so they can go ahead and get their cocks cut off. Then it could be a modified she.

If you are insinuating I have another handle and wrote that, you would be horribly mistaken tpepsi. I assure you, that is not me. Perhaps the one who wrote it would like to add to this debate.

I did point out that TS providers identify themselves as female in a link. Is there a proper protocal? I have no idea personally, but from what I read online, trans usually take offense for being called a he.

I created this thread as a genuine discussion. Let's keep it as such and respectful.
Precious_b's Avatar
Dr Grey,
I don't think he is saying you. But there are those too lazy and try to spoof reviews by cut-n-paste of other peoples material.
You're likely right PB.

Does sound like someone may have used a second handle to write it. Pepsi may be right about that. Perhaps an IP check is in order.
Mature210's Avatar
I don't have a problem with TS reviews in their current location, but I also think most would have no problem with them being placed in their own section - so long as they're not just dumped into the "other reviews" category.

An argument in favor of a separate category: Having their own category would help those who are looking for TS reviews, and it would help the providers to be found.
ck1942's Avatar
Some city/region forum set have one single catch all review forum. Due to less traffic, very easy to search those.

Some very active cities have spa and amp separate reviews forums.

Some cities moco and bp are cast/caste? into other, as are street and TS entries.

Anyone who knows how to proerly search shouldn't be having many issues find what he/she is looking for, imo.
Some city/region forum set have one single catch all review forum. Due to less traffic, very easy to search those.

Some very active cities have spa and amp separate reviews forums.

Some cities moco and bp are cast/caste? into other, as are street and TS entries.... Originally Posted by ck1942
I think we are the only city who puts everything together, with exception of spa, agency and moco/sw. But all independent are lumped no matter gender. I took a look into all Texas cities, a few east coast, and many others and all had just women in independent. All other reviews were in different categories. Interesting.
Dgaf about the gender separation of only here to shop.