Hookers age?

Sheep Herder's Avatar
How many years can hookers stay the same age? Ain't it false advertising... There's numerous I have encountered as I read a two year old review but she still claims the same age....
flinde's Avatar
Why don't you limit posting all stupid posts till February 29?
EnticeOrchids's Avatar
I feel like as long as we look it who cares!!!! Not to be a dick but I laugh sometimes at picky hobbiest! Are you a Christopher Pratt looking mothafucka? Weellllllppppppp......
Joe Buck's Avatar
Misery loves company........PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Personally, I see no reason to lie about my age. I'm 50 and proud of it. But have also been told that I do not look my age. I've seen other ladies my age and even younger that look older than I do. I've been told that I don't look or act my age.
I know there are hobbyists that won't see ladies over a certain age, which is why some of the younger ones lie. And there are other hobbyists that won't see ladies under a certain age either. It's all personal choice either way.

Is it false advertising? Yes.
But does it matter as long as they look it? It shouldn't.
Instead of a lady outing her age, why not just say early 20s, mid 40s, or something more generic? Not like we should know the real age.
Sheep Herder's Avatar
If your 50 and your looking 40 is not my concern. My concern is when your claiming your 19 and having 2 years of reviews.
governmentguru's Avatar
Posted age X 9/5 + 32 = Real age
If your 50 and your looking 40 is not my concern. My concern is when your claiming your 19 and having 2 years of reviews. Originally Posted by Sheep Herder
I can see that.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
If your 50 and your looking 40 is not my concern. My concern is when your claiming your 19 and having 2 years of reviews. Originally Posted by Sheep Herder
That would be a concern since it would make her a minor when she started.
Either way, didn't you ever learn it's rude to ask a lady her age?
That would be a concern since it would make her a minor when she started. Originally Posted by TemptationTammie
Actually it would make her 21 and not 19 for those wanting that sort of thing. Hence the false advertising. Only good thing is, you could bring over wine, or go out for drinks after. Profile should be updated though.
BigGuy13's Avatar
Why doesn't the page require the ladies to put in their birth date and then auto update their age? Now, this won't stop them from telling a little white lie or changing it manually to continue the lie. But I get the feeling it is more that the ladies don't think to update it...
I purposefully don't change my age immediately on my birthday for discretion. If any of my RW friends looked at my showcase and took some time to read my posts they would have suspicions. If my age changed when my age changed in the RW.....suspicions confirmed.

I'm just super cautious.