Temporarily unavailable

Sensual Sophia's Avatar

I just wanted to write because I've been getting a lot of messages and emails over the past several days that I haven't had the chance to respond to.

I have had multiple recent burglaries of my home that have caused me much trouble. I don't want to go into all the details but basically, a lot of my free time these days is spent cleaning up, replacing stolen and broken items, moving my valuables to a secure location, adding additional fortifications and security to my home (which don't seem to stop the bastard) and just figuring out what to do next. I don't have easy Internet access right now because my computer is packed up and I hate typing on my iphone.

I will have little availability this week but if you really want to see me, the easiest way to contact me is via phone. Feel free to text as that is my preferred method of contact. Otherwise, I will be back in business when I find a solution to my current predicament.

If you have written or called me and not received a response, I'm really sorry. Between the holidays and this string of burglaries, I just haven't had any time for the hobby.

When things are resolved I will update my signature line and place an ad.

I thank you for your patience.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
Sorry to hear about this Sophia.

Here's to hoping that the rest of your 2011 goes much better!!
Wow, honey. I'm so sorry to hear about all of that. I hope things get better for you quickly.
Wayward's Avatar
Very sorry to hear that, hope you can get things worked out and return to having some fun.
That's truly upsetting. I hope things get better for you very soon.
Damn, sorry to hear about that.
So sorry babe, I hope that the little bastard gets a life!
  • 01-04-2011, 05:57 PM
Well that sucks. Hope everything gets back to normal for you soon!
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
Sweetheart, I'm sorry that this happened to you, but grateful to high heaven that you were not at home when these violations occurred.

Stay safe.

Your Monk
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 01-04-2011, 10:19 PM
As Monk and others have stated, I am glad you were not physically harmed and hope sanity can return to your world as soon as possible. You have given much to this community and are indeed appreciated. thegj
jughead1171's Avatar
Sophia, glad you are okay. Maybe you can fortify your place with a big doberman pincher
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Wow that sucks! Glad you are OK and I bet that when you get it all together the guys will rush to help you recover.
deedeedoe62's Avatar
I haven't seen you before Sophia but have heard nothing but great things about you.

I would be 'running' to help you --- when your situation is resolved.

And, yeah... I'm underneath Dagny.

Back on topic.
Oh girl that sucks, and its scary too. Hope it all works out for u babe!!!
agentx's Avatar
Really sorry to hear about that Sophia. That sucks! Hope to see you soon - and that things improve for the better ASAP!