Advertising: do or do not?

This topic has been bouncing around in my head for quite some time; I have asked both women and men their thoughts on the subject and garnered varied responses. While personally I have gone my entire hobby experience thus far without it, I can't help but wonder how a small marketing campaign might change my perspective, or opinion.

With my own experience, I have found that providing proper information about the location, time and availability of a date is always beneficial. However, on the opposite end of the spectrum, I wonder if populating an ad once a week increases market demand simply for that day only. Or, does it create interest for the subsequent week. I have always been a fan of dates scheduled in advance - I like to do my own research (when meeting a new friend) and prepare, both myself and my loft, for the oncoming adventure. I have never really experienced the "same-day request" request (unless of course it is from a HBF) so I can't really comment on whether that style of dating is preferable or not.

So my question is this: ladies, lovers, what are your thoughts on the topic? Please forgive me if I sound ill-educated on the subject, but I have never run an advertisement and I would love some unbiased feedback on the matter. I also think this is a great thread for others that may have similar questions.
sixxbach's Avatar
I think its good to advertise. It let's people know you are around. It will cut down on ISO's as well.

I don't think there is really any negative about posting an ad.

Besides, it give me another reason to check out your pics

Sixx, you are a peach

One concern I have is the following: if an ad is placed during any given week with available dating times and the like, what about the following week? At that point does it become necessary to post every single week? If there isn't an advertisement up, how would the gentleman know if the girl in question was available or not? And if an ad is posted every week, does it saturate the market? Ladies I would love to hear your thoughts!
sixxbach's Avatar
You could post in that ad that you are taking appointments for two weeks, etc. You can also place a weekend ad as well your weekly ad. It's always good to place an ad on Monday (highest site traffic). I guess if you are not hurting for appointments, then you wouldn't have to place another ad until you are ready to fill your dance card again.

Since you have never placed an ad, a guy will usually just PM you or since reviews are being posted, one knows that you are seeing gents. When I want to see a gal, I look at the ads so I know the gal is taking appointments and should expect a response.

Which reminds me, I need to see you again

GneissGuy's Avatar
If a lady hasn't posted an ad in a while, I may not bother to check to see if she's available, even if she's someone I'm interested in. Too darn many ladies who can't be bothered to answer the phone or e-mail for me to waste my time waiting for a response that may not come from a lady who doesn't appear to be looking for business.
NewWave's Avatar
klovve, you'll probably get a variety of responses on this. I don't know if there is a clear cut answer to advertising, since so many are still trying to find the most effective ways of implementing it.

i'll say this....the most important thing for me is Word of Mouth. All my favorite movies, albums, restaurants, etc...came from a reliable person, not some bullshit ad.

The reason I saw you Klovve is because of word of mouth. I believe its the reason you've never needed an ad. Your bubbly personality and bouncy booty we're the real deal, so the word got out.

as for ads, i'm in the minority on this but I like chicks who don't advertise a lot. I've talked about my problems many times but I'm the type who'll see a movie once the hype dies down, i kinda hate dealing with the mob on opening night. So i usually like to check out someone awhile after they've posted the ad.

speaking of which, i still need to see you for that long awaited sequel...
I agree with NewWave on the word of mouth being a more reliable than an ad.

It really depends on your goal. It seems you're doing quite fine without advertising.
I am sure it would bring about more inquires, which is the result wanted, if you are wanting to go for a certain 'market' perhaps advertising will help. Letting your clients know your schedule is always a good idea!

I always keep you in mind regardless if you posted an ad or not.
If a lady hasn't posted an ad in a while, I may not bother to check to see if she's available, even if she's someone I'm interested in. Too darn many ladies who can't be bothered to answer the phone or e-mail for me to waste my time waiting for a response that may not come from a lady who doesn't appear to be looking for business. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
I agree,I check for current posting. As a client that prefers to set apt. in advance ,because it ups the odds of hearing back from providers,and most times gives a you chance to set something up if the original appt. falls through. By posting ads weekly it also gives you the ability to change schedule to better fit your lifestyle,you might not want to do same hours every week. And you wont be locking yourself into the daily grind. PS. sweet new pic on your avatar.
I think this is theory that requires an experiment. Scientific method?

Ladies, if you see this, what marketing has helped and/or hindered you? I am not asking for tricks or tips, just personal experience.
Obviously I have no experience from your side of the fence, however I have 25+ years as a consultant. The best business comes via customer referral since it sets a mutual pretext. Repeat business is the most trustworthy and reliable. These are universal truths IMO.

Over time any client base will suffer attrition and the more seasoned your client base is the less referrals you gain as a function of time (once they mention you they are unlikely to do so again).

So advertising functions as a small portion of a broader business development program. At the end of the day the 80/20 rule will probably still function in some variation even in your form of "consulting"{which I highly recommend BTW}
I do get more business from advertising on ECCIE, but the response is not immediate. Many of my clients have seen at least two or three ads before making an appointment.

New pictures are the biggest draw.

PatronAnejo's Avatar
I glance at the ads to see if someone interesting is visiting. But for local girls, I read the current reviews to see if someone has had a good time recently with a provider. I consider the reviews a form of advertising.

I personally liked the fact that you didn't advertise. It makes you seem more UTR.
I doubt that I will be running board advertisement any time soon, I like to keep my head just below the surface. But the marketing phenomenon has always intrigued me. There is an abundance of ladies that have have experienced varying levels of success from strategic marketing and ad campaigns; just as there are those that have become quite successful without them. Is there a difference? Or, after a certain period of time, does it become expected for the lady in question to advertise, or not to?
I don't think that there is ever a set rule. My ATF in Phoenix never ever ran an ad but was one of the most highly rated (and reviewed) gals on TER (nationwide). We'd normally spend Friday afternoons together and she'd normally have dozens of missed calls (highest I remember was 43) and that was just the 3-4 hours she had her phone off.

She was in very high demand from a bunch of Diamondback and Coyote players and could have very easily gone the HDH route if she'd wanted to...the flip side is one of the other "stars" in the valley was very active posting, touring etc....both had about the same exposure and both had as much business as they wanted.

What I found interesting is that both settled into similar routines with a very high repeat clientele even though they could have made more money with the tourist trade. I know my ATF went months at a time without seeing anyone new....