ATL mayor call’s out nation guard!

DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Weekend violence, black on black crime.

And GO!
dallasfan's Avatar
Defund the police!

I say just institute the purge. One night a year.
dallasfan's Avatar
There was the black driver that ran over the two white women with the black lives matter movement that was blocking the highway.

There was a lot of noise with that until they found out the driver was black and the victims were white. Then it kind of got sweep under the rug. I thought it was pretty ironic.
rexdutchman's Avatar
8 year old black girl killed(shot) , by the peaceful protesters Just where is the OURAGE
texassapper's Avatar
There was the black driver that ran over the two white women with the black lives matter movement that was blocking the highway.

There was a lot of noise with that until they found out the driver was black and the victims were white. Then it kind of got sweep under the rug. I thought it was pretty ironic. Originally Posted by dallasfan
The unfunny part is that when the press found out that the driver was black... they stopped mentioning the driver at all and the headline became: Luxury Car hits/kills demonstrators.

Cause well we all know whitey drives LUXURY cars. And if you don't well it won't hurt if you just assume it was a white person that killed those demonstrators.

Good time to be black if you're thinking of being violent towards a white person.
There was the black driver that ran over the two white women with the black lives matter movement that was blocking the highway.

There was a lot of noise with that until they found out the driver was black and the victims were white. Then it kind of got sweep under the rug. I thought it was pretty ironic. Originally Posted by dallasfan
I believe this incident was in Seattle.

It should be a federal crime to shut down freeways for a riot. This is not a protest, it's a case of domestic terrorism.
dallasfan's Avatar
There should be a memorial for the little girl in this area and they should be protesting against the blm group for violence against innocent victims. They want to protest for these people getting killed after committing crimes by the police then they better have a shrine for this little girl and her family.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Come on! Where are all the liberals? 3 weeks ago it was racist and the right trying to divide the country. It took a weekend of widespread “black on black” violence to shut you up! Man that was easy, too bad you don’t care unless it’s a cop or white person! Shame on all of you! Dead is Dead, black, brown, yellow or red.

Your rights to bitch and moan are revoked, you failed to exercise you humanity and therefore have lost it!

What happened to George Floyd was horrible, I don’t anyone that doesn’t think so. What happened this weekend was beyond horrible and not a peep from you guys.

I guess we know what’s important to the left now, it’s not that BLM it’s who does the killing.
Precious_b's Avatar
There was the black driver that ran over the two white women with the black lives matter movement that was blocking the highway.

There was a lot of noise with that until they found out the driver was black and the victims were white. Then it kind of got sweep under the rug. I thought it was pretty ironic. Originally Posted by dallasfan
Only seen this story on ABC National news. They never made any mention of race/colour/creed of driver or victims.
When I first saw the story, I thought the driver was lucky that a mob didn't kill him. Than seeing that people are talking about it, I watched the video again. It seems the driver is coming out of a curve. I.E. possibly could not see the road blocked. Seeing they haven't pressed formal charges (last *I* heard) possibly the DA is taking that into account.

I'm just glad I didn't get the info on who the people were and I hope the DA doesn't let the media hold sway on the charges.
8 year old black girl killed(shot) , by the peaceful protesters Just where is the OURAGE Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Five other unarmed black children killed by other black people as well last weekend...
rexdutchman's Avatar
An Again no LSM outrage ,
texassapper's Avatar
I don't know about you all, but I'm starting to sense a pattern.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
if the crime is anything other that white on black, it does not matter. No protests, no outrage for unfair treatment, no white privilege. The agenda by BLM is that blacks need reparations from whites and any other crimes do not fit.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh no Mr Bill not FACTS LSM is ignorant only hysteria will do
The.Chef's Avatar

Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote

Thx for the chart, sir. A picture is worth a thousand words. Facts are uncomfortable but irrefutable.