
carlosdanger69's Avatar
Effective immediately!

Think it'll push more 18-20 year olds into the hobby?
.Think it'll push more 18-20 year olds into the hobby?
So True... just hope they don't have GPS...
MrTex1959's Avatar
Hoping if it does, supply will keep GPS rates down...
Just an FYI - the hammer fell at PTS/Sugars over the weekend while other clubs had already yielded the axe.

Apparently the owners 'don't want to "challenge" the state' on this with their lawyers.
PT's had the marquee lit up yesterday, ( Now Hiring MIlf"s) time to replace the Teens. Had some real good times with Milfs in the past.
naughty4u1976's Avatar
Aww to be young again and go after some MILF pootang. Nowadays, a MILF is a young lady. Aging is a bitch but it beats the alternative.