Balls Out Bowling

Big Stig's Avatar
mulletman66's Avatar
this sounds really funny. i imagine that if one is not careful when doing this that you could easily squash a nad mid bowl. that would really hurt.
This is going to be a sausage fest. It's going to be a bunch of creepy dudes with long scrotums and maybe one or two old women.
mulletman66's Avatar
i agree
I played naked Wii bowling after a session with a provider once.
Bottoms are ok for the females and you still have to wear bowling shoes? Yeah, no thanks!
bambino's Avatar
I don’t like bowling with people with their clothes on.
Big Stig's Avatar
I don't like bowling with anyone, anywhere or anytime.
I LOVE bowling!! It was the only sport I was good at.
But the thought of seeing other old people naked as they bowl? No thanks!

I hope they put warning signs on the "Ball Cleaners"
I hope they have a tarp up blocking the view from the entrance. Some family could come in unexpectedly and catch an eye full