Magic Fingers nobody's home?

Stopped by yesterday, rang the bell and nobody answered. 1 car in the lot and they looked to be open. Maybe she had her "hands full?"
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VR6MK2's Avatar
I don’t ring the bell, I just go in and quietly wait in the foyer. The very first time I visited I rang the bell and no one showed, so I just went in. She was nice and showed me to a room, so I just figured that’s what we were supposed to do.
I don’t ring the bell, I just go in and quietly wait in the foyer. The very first time I visited I rang the bell and no one showed, so I just went in. She was nice and showed me to a room, so I just figured that’s what we were supposed to do. Originally Posted by VR6MK2

Gotcha. Maybe I'll do that next time. I just shrugged and went to another spot close by. The area was busy. Lots of mongers on the loose that night.