the Legendary Marion Barry.. RIP

Chung Tran's Avatar

longtime D.C. Politician tainted by scandal in the early 1990's.. not many know or remember Barry was shot and held hostage for 3 days, in 1977, after a Muslim siege and takeover of 4 buildings in Washington, D.C... he was a City Councilman then, died a City Councilman, with several stints as Mayor in-between.

I met him in 1990, at the University of D.C., following his guest appearance on the Phil Donahue show, which taped on the campus.. Barry had recently resigned as Mayor, following his Cocaine arrest, and had decided to run for City Council.. He was one of the earliest members of SNCC, a Civil Rights organization, that led protests in the Southern US in the mid-1960's.
One thing you can say about him...he did life HIS way.