Ksla sex offender poll

Did anyone catch the 10:00 news on KSLA tonight it had a poll where they asked DO YOU THINK A PROSTITUTE OR ESCORT SHOULD HAVE TO REGISTER AS A SEX OFFENDER AFTER THRY ARE ARRESTED?

43% YES
57% NO

what the hell ...who did they offend ..it sure wasnt their client !!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
That is totally crazy!!!!!!!
well at least the people had enough good sense to vote it down 57% to 43% but my god why would anybody think it was a sex offense its not like ive ever had a provider force herself on me...I wish ...lol
just the opposite..im surprised they didnt say the clients are sex offenders for hiring the women.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
So true wildwooly !! Thats ridiculous they would even have a poll as like you said, nobodys getting offended in fact ,,, quite the opposite
MuffinMan's Avatar
You forget....Shreveport is still the "buckle" of LA's Bible Belt.