Green Hornet

Anyone been to see the Green Hornet yet. Was thinking about venturing out tonight, and wondered what the verdict was?
My GF and i liked it. It's pretty fun and is well aware that it is a genre film. There are also subtle gay jokes; which honestly, two dudes running around that much together, they need to be able to make fun of themselves. There are some pretty weird device plot holes (awesome car that can receive email and print out a map doesn't have a USB port to upload?). But overall, fun action. Glad i watched it once, in theatre is fun; I may buy it on Bluray; which is my personal gauge of movies these days.
it had really bad reviews. I saw the trailer and wanted to see it, but not sure because of the bad reviews. And why would the Studio release what would appear to be a blockbuster 3 weeks AFTER Christmas?
It was good. Saw it on Friday. Spoof on super heros. Good 3d, effects and action.
It was great
  • T-Can
  • 01-17-2011, 10:32 AM
Saw it yesterday, very entertaining!

The best part was the previews to Thor........epic!
Very entertaining - my wife even liked it. Non-stop action with hilarious banter between the GH and Kato... Check it out.
TexRich's Avatar
2012 will be the year for Super Hero films. Spiderman reboot, Iron Man 3, Superman reboot, Avengers and perhaps the best of all Batman: The Dark Knight Rises.