Mangina Alert: Guys, what do you think of this article?

You're being trained to hate women.

I wanted to hear from the guys on this one, because I know all the women that have read/will read this will be cheering in the stands. I thought it was very honest coming from a guy. I know we've had several conversations on the reason why female sexuality is for sale, and I think this is a really good answer to that question.
pyramider's Avatar
What a load of crap? Maybe for the Gen Xers, but a load of crap for this baby boomer.
There are many spectrums to this approach to females and encompassing their sexuality, identity and social relevance. I hobby not because of some childhood denial that is finally being replaced. I hobby because I'm a freak, love beautiful women but don't want the emotional strain that would otherwise be placed on the female. Most female non-hobbyists feel they are "giving" of themselves when it comes to sex. But, in the hobby, this is a 2-way deal with some reciprocity but in the end, both the hobbyist and the provider get what each is here for.
Women can fit the "mold" and be extremely unattractive, out of tune with there sexuality as well as humanity. I find the women I meet here in the hobby extremely sexy, confident and beautiful (based on the entire package and not just the sexual aspect). Down to earth, sexy, witty and very intelligent/smart (which does not intimidate me. It is extremely attractive to me.)
I'm a freak. I love women who are freaks but very balanced in their approach to life as well.
Sure there's a lot of hateful things people do and say. Doesn't make it right. Nor is it intimidating to me. That's the challenge in life. And, I relish in enjoying it as well as indulging in life's simple pleasures.
LucadeJure's Avatar
I would like eleven minutes of my life back, please. This Baby Boomer considers this article a load of manure too.

It is so wonderful that we live in a country and society where an individual can espouse their own perceptions as universal truths ... and other individuals can decide for themselves whether or not to adopt a similar viewpoint.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Most intelligent men truly adore women and not hate them. Women have the ultimate power over men but most fail to take advantage of it or utilize that "power potential" effectively for all sorts of reasons.
What a load of crap? Maybe for the Gen Xers, but a load of crap for this baby boomer. Originally Posted by pyramider
I think you're right in some respects. It's about the era that you're raised in. Today, with TV and music being a major influence on both GenXer's and Baby Boomers, that difference alone is an indication of how social opinion on women have changed. But like he said, emotional maturity and having emotionally mature male role models make the difference.

The article to me, especially with #5 said that modern men lack introspection, which I feel is true of most people regardless of gender and generation. We have unrealistic expectations of life, and most of the things we feel we deserve we don't earn. Personally, I agree with his example of Harry Potter. We KNOW why Ron liked Hermione, but she never touched on why she thought Ron is the bee's knees. And for the life of me, I can't see why she'd like him either. He's cute (I like redheads), but he's a "dimmer" by my standards, and they have nothing in common.

I do feel like TV rarely portrays a hot woman in power who's not a spinster, or not lonely and undatable. I watched the episode of Family Guy where he has to go through sensitivity training because of the dirty jokes. They're making being a woman in higher positions an ugly thing. It's like you instantly get UNATTAINABLE BITCH tatooed across your forehead.

I actually encountered #3 with a former father-in-law who was a preacher. We walked by a woman who had on a skirt with a thigh-bearing split in her dress. This 60 year old man actually said 'slut' as the woman passed by. Before I knew it I asked him, 'how do you know she's a slut?' I actually know preachers' wives who are bonafide sluts. And come on, who's willing to admit that he's mad as hell at the IT guy for installing that Big Brother software on the network, making it impossible to visit adult websites?

I agree, Whitechocolate. While most women are aware of their power, it takes a level of maturity for both women and men to understand what it's for. And it's not to make men feel powerless or less than men.
pyramider's Avatar
While most women are aware of their power, it takes a level of maturity for both women and men to understand what it's for. And it's not to make men feel powerless or less than men. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

The power of the pussy should only be used for good and not evil.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Tiffani, I agree that lots of maturity is needed along with experience and intelligence for the effective use of power in the area of sexuality particularly when it involves provider power and provider/client interactions. Many men cant handle the fact that women do have lots of power and certainly resent the power that most providers do in fact have.
ForumPoster's Avatar

The power of the pussy should only be used for good and not evil.
Originally Posted by pyramider
Sorry could not resist!

Lina LOL, love it!

For the article, i agree with number 3, don't care about the rest, LOL

But seriously, I do think there is a lot culture that needs to change that tried to put women in a box, or on a shelf, or only for pleasure. Ironically, my experiences as of late, have changed some of my old-learned beliefs for the better.
pyramider's Avatar
Sorry could not resist!

Originally Posted by Sensual Lina

I was going to say you are allowed ... butt ... now you have effectively made this thread about boardman. Oh the horrors ...
Always Horny's Avatar
Women can fit the "mold" and be extremely unattractive, out of tune with there sexuality as well as humanity. I find the women I meet here in the hobby extremely sexy, confident and beautiful (based on the entire package and not just the sexual aspect). Down to earth, sexy, witty and very intelligent/smart (which does not intimidate me. It is extremely attractive to me.) Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
You bring up a very interesting point.

When I first got involved in this hobby, my biggest fear was that I was going to feel intimidated by the professional high class provider.

But in fact, the exact opposite happened. I'm more at ease and comfortable with them than any other women. And not because "everybody knows the rules."
pyramider's Avatar
At least in the hobby there are rules. In real life, there are no rules and explosions are frequent.
Cpalmson's Avatar
The only valid point in the article is that men are trained from birth to see women as decoration. It has always been that way. It wasn't until the beginning of the 20th Century that women were given the right to vote. Essentially until then, women were considered property. This view is still held in most Muslim countries. I also find it fascinating to flip through a Victoria's Secret catalog. Ostensibly, this catalog is for women to buy lingerie, clothing, etc. I mean the target audience is women; however, the models are always in some sort of sultry or provocative pose as if the real target audience is a bunch of horny 16 year boys ready to jack off. You see it all across advertising. Sex sells. It doesn't matter what the product is. Just have a woman dress slightly suggestive or have her speak with a sexy voice, or have her lick her lips or some other type of double entendre gesture, and you have your commercial. BTW, I just don't see how making women decoration is training to hate women.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I agree that many men see women just as decorations but these are very narrow minded men to say the least. Biologically, men have always been and always will be attracted to gorgeoussss(although subjective) and sultryyyy women and that is the way it is. Women are attracted to them because they want to be like them. The men and women who hate gorgeousss women are in my mind inadequate in many ways- intelligence being one of those ways but biased cultural training is another. Some men just cant accept that gorgeous women do have a brain and can be both quite function as well as "decorative".