Palin Family Brawl III: The Mama Grizzly Weighs In

Extending the 15 minutes in any way amusing.....the story isn't that her idiotic trailer park trash family was attending a kegger and got involved in a drunken brawl. The real story (now being reliably parroted by whirlytard and the rest of the dimwits) is how unfairly the Palin clan has been treated as a result of this sordid episode.....

>>>>>>It's rare for Sarah Palin to admit embarrassment, but she said on Thursday her family's drunken brawl in Alaska was downright humiliating.
The former GOP vice presidential nominee took to Facebook to finally address her family's involvement in a bloody, booze-fueled brawl that took place last month in Anchorage.
"What happened on the night in question wasn’t funny. It was humiliating and frightening," Palin wrote in her post. "My kids aren’t proud of what happened, nor are they seeking sympathy by playing the victim card – that’s why they haven’t commented on this for all these weeks."
Palin posted links to two blog posts written by her eldest daughter, Bristol Palin, describing the night's events and criticizing the media for their coverage of the incident.
Sarah Palin herself also had a sharp critique of the media.
"Looking at the reports, it strikes me as bitterly ironic that the same people who tell us there is a 'war on women' have no problem laughing at the recording of my daughter crying as she tells police about being assaulted by a man," Palin said. "I'd like to say shame on the media and those on the left laughing at her or at any young woman in a similar situation, but I no longer think they have any shame."
Her post comes three days after Anchorage police released audio recordings and photographs gathered after the melee. Various eyewitnesses and the public records made it clear that Sarah Palin herself was at the party and even had brief interaction with police.
Palin closed our her post with a short aside.
"Now Todd and I are headed to an exciting middle school girl’s basketball game along with dozens of other families proud to cheer on their daughters."
See Palin's post below:
Whiffy and his "man crush"..
Whiffy and his "man crush".. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

You get a little time... eeeh buhurr

That's a woman whiffy, I know you aren't interested in them just guys.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Slobbrin isn't very good at expressing his frustration when he has to confront a topic that makes him uncomfortable or aroused.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
what a liar
middle school GIRLS basketball isnt exciting

this woman is so useless
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Other news (that Timmie missed):

Hillary: Don't let anyone tell you that businesses create jobs.

Udall of Colorado: We do judge people by their skin color.

Released Fast and Furious documents: Valerie Jarrett involved up to her eyeballs in the cover-up.

Federal Election Commission (FEC): Trying create laws regulating political content on the Internet. (that means this site as well as Drudge)