All-time hottest MILF in Hollywood???

This is my pick... I LOVE HER!!!
*Jessica Alba*

What do you guys think??
Moved from Another Realm...
  • Glr
  • 05-19-2011, 01:46 PM
Raquel Welch
DMC21's Avatar
  • DMC21
  • 05-20-2011, 11:19 AM
Raquel Welch Originally Posted by Glr

Demi Moore
This is my pick... I LOVE HER!!!
*Jessica Alba*

What do you guys think?? Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
She doesn't really fit the stereotypical MILF. Sybil Danning was a MILF. She was in a lot of 80's low budget Films she always seemed to take her characters to a sexy sensual level. Kate Jackson was pretty much a MILF( one of Charlies Angels), Ursula Andres was considered a MILF, Raquel Welch was definitely a MILF, Jane Fonda was considered somewhat of a MILF, and oh yea Linda Evans, ( She played Krystal Carrington on the sitcom Dynasty). These are my pics of the ultimate Hollywood MILFs.
Raquel Welch Originally Posted by Glr
Technically, she's a GILF...and I've had a hard on for her since 1969.
Coolpops's Avatar
We even though she adapted a child, I still like Sandra Bullock.
Technically she is a MILF.

Future MILF: Jennifer Hewitt (she is going to be a hot one !!!)
DallasRain's Avatar Originally Posted by DallasRain
Yea, Some good ones on that link. My picks were popular when I was young. Thats when it really meant the most to me, If ya know what I mean, lol.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
she's just hottt !!!

KenAdams's Avatar
I've seen her up close many times when she's not all made up; and she's as ordinary as anyone else and you'd never be able to pick her out of a crowd.

Beautiful when she's all dolled up, but totally unassuming when not.

she's just hottt !!!

Originally Posted by PAPA JOE
This is my pick... I LOVE HER!!!
*Jessica Alba*

What do you guys think?? Originally Posted by sweet.treat69

Jessica Alba MILF?!?!? Geez how old(young) are you?? How old am I??

Correct answer: Raquel Welch!!
  • MrGiz
  • 05-21-2011, 08:08 AM
Michelle Pfeiffer or Diane Lane. . . I'll take whichever one you don't want!
mrchris.emm's Avatar
Monica Belluci, Kate Winslet and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

Either consecutively or as a foursome....