
Sending a message out.
This month (June 2018) is my last month providing! I thought I could come back to have a bit of fun but my life has changed for the better and my family is my main focus. It was fun while it lasted ♥️
skeeter's Avatar
Moved to coed...
Not a weekly update
pyramider's Avatar
Best of wishes and good luck.
Moved to coed...
Not a weekly update Originally Posted by skeeter
Now that’s funny. The description for that forum is:

Tell the community what's going on in your world! Let our readers learn about you. Post a pic or two.

So if it’s not a place to tell people what you’re up to, then what is it? For ads?
Russ38's Avatar
Possibly because it was her second threAD on the same topic.....
midnite312004's Avatar