really annoying

I am sure this happens to everyone provider or hobbiest but I am starting to realize how much this is pissing me off.
Schedualing an appt and 10 mins before texting and saying I cant make it. Again I know things happen I mean duh, this is the real world and shit happens constantly, but 10 mins or 5 mins beofre your supposed to be somewhere is annoying. Provider stand point I have people calling and asking for time that I have to deny because times are to close together, I wont get my little down time in between and/or they want the time thats taken, so really we could deny 2-3 people just waiting for you, for the person to never show and you think I could have seen a reg or someone else (just cause someones my reg or higher payer I dont bump sessions, first cum first serve), we lose out.
Hobbiest point they found there provider for the time there able and money together time set a side traveling and etc, I cant make it, errrr, now there windows closed or maybe a different provider was able but he chose you and now egos hurt and pissed and want that nut lol sucks
Either way its annoying, Please for now on please at least me let me know asap if you are supposed to be by my house by a certain time and your not, then figure yeah its not gonna work and shoot me a text, I am not mean about it and I do understand things happen, and well more then likely say sorry or something like that, this just is annoying and makes me apprehensive to schedual with you again.

Thank you fine ladies and gent of Austin
xoxoxoxoxo shayla84 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
fun2come's Avatar
I don't mean to be mean or sarcastic about it, but indeed the ONLY recourse for any NCNS or a pattern of late cancellations is to not schedule with that person any longer.

As you say here and have pointed out in numerous posts: "this is the real world and shit happens constantly".
Well, one can only control one's own shit.

And I agree it sucks in a bad way when shit intervenes and it doesn't lead to a good suck.

You say you don't give your regulars priority. I think you might want to change that. A regular gets that privilege because he is a repeat customer, has shown up on time, and has paid with no problems. I think that deserves priority booking. If it is a decision between a regular and a newguy, I would think the regular gets the call. If you already have a newguy booked, I wouldn't let the regular take his place.

Like f2c said above, people that have a history of ncns should be low priority.
Thats what I was talking about JJ was if someone books before the others I dont bump appts, first cum first served, my regs get special things with me that others dont like way more time then usual, or discounted rates where my prices never go up past a certain price ever with them even with no specials they get taken care of lol trust me....
Because I dont consider that a NCNS so thats really not useful to me lol I am saying if your supposed to be here by lets say 3 pm and at 250 your not on your way then yes there should be a text or call !!!! Because they tell me sooner or later that to me anyways its not considered a NCNS was just venting cause it happen twice today like when I was expecting a knock they called or texted. And Fun2cum I dont like bring up past issues, drama, or anything like that, which seems to be what your looking for. I was talking about what I am mad about, I havent had an issues with any of that since my vacation and alot of thinking and trying to fix myself with things. That being said have an awesome day everyone
fun2come's Avatar
And Fun2cum I dont like bring up past issues, drama, or anything like that, which seems to be what your looking for. Originally Posted by shayla84
Woohoo, I want to be struck by that lightning bolt that seems to follow some around. It gives me thrills and pleasure.

I was talking about what I am mad about, I havent had an issues with any of that since my vacation and alot of thinking and trying to fix myself with things.
Good for YOU !!! and the community (not being sarcastic).
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 08-08-2013, 08:23 PM
NCNS on both sides of the coin sucks, as does last minute cancellations. Something else that is annoying is trying to figure out which word is meant; "there," "they're," or "their" when someone types it wrong. ENGLISH!
fun2come's Avatar
Something else that is annoying is trying to figure out which word is meant; "there," "they're," or "their" when someone types it wrong. ENGLISH! Originally Posted by onei
Yeah, we all been guilty .... some more than others ... found this:
Still Looking's Avatar
Yeah, we all been guilty .... some more than others ... found this: Originally Posted by fun2come
Well that clears that up!
AtxTexMex's Avatar
I am sure this happens to everyone provider or hobbiest but I am starting to realize how much this is pissing me off.
Schedualing an appt and 10 mins before texting and saying I cant make it. Again I know things happen I mean duh, this is the real world and shit happens constantly, but 10 mins or 5 mins beofre your supposed to be somewhere is annoying. Provider stand point I have people calling and asking for time that I have to deny because times are to close together, I wont get my little down time in between and/or they want the time thats taken, so really we could deny 2-3 people just waiting for you, for the person to never show and you think I could have seen a reg or someone else (just cause someones my reg or higher payer I dont bump sessions, first cum first serve), we lose out.
Hobbiest point they found there provider for the time there able and money together time set a side traveling and etc, I cant make it, errrr, now there windows closed or maybe a different provider was able but he chose you and now egos hurt and pissed and want that nut lol sucks
Either way its annoying, Please for now on please at least me let me know asap if you are supposed to be by my house by a certain time and your not, then figure yeah its not gonna work and shoot me a text, I am not mean about it and I do understand things happen, and well more then likely say sorry or something like that, this just is annoying and makes me apprehensive to schedual with you again.

Thank you fine ladies and gent of Austin
xoxoxoxoxo shayla84 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Originally Posted by shayla84

Okay, so you get annoyed when someone cancels on you at the last minute but you yourself are known are for NCNS.
You acknowledge this publicly and even state "but I can not promise it will never happen again to anyone ever but I will try my best to not let it happen again "
At least their notifying you they cannot make it vs a NCNS. I do understand how it can be frustrating for you but it gets equally frustrating for us clients as well when we schedule time out of our days to see someone and then nothing happens leaving our days schedule all thrown off.

Okay, so you get annoyed when someone cancels on you at the last minute but you yourself are known are for NCNS.
You acknowledge this publicly and even state "but I can not promise it will never happen again to anyone ever but I will try my best to not let it happen again "
At least their notifying you they cannot make it vs a NCNS. I do understand how it can be frustrating for you but it gets equally frustrating for us clients as well when we schedule time out of our days to see someone and then nothing happens leaving our days schedule all thrown off. Originally Posted by AtxTexMex
I was going to say better to call ahead of time, even if it is 10 minutes, to cancel instead of being a NCNS that some providers have been known to do.

A lot of us don't know what it feels like until we've had it done to ourselves.
All totally understandable and even though my gt grandma graduated with her english major lol I did not get those great qualities lol never really understood the difference between there, their and so on, even with my business degree lol owell, I knew what I was talking about lol
And for everything else yes NCNS are def not good at all, I have had some issues in the past but I took my time to think when I had the vacation time to think that I have been blessed to have the oppertunitie to be able to be part of all this and how it could make me, my kids and familys lifes alot easier which is my job to do for them being their mother lol, and being the oldest child in the family. So I have not NCNS anyone else, I have been doing my best since all the HS drama crap. I am not afraid ever to admit when I am wrong I was taught that is part of being a grown up and a woman, by my mother so no body will ever hear me say what I do isnt always the right thing. That being said, everyones right, being called even 10 mins before is def better then no call or text. So I was venting yesterday, everyone has the right to do that and since alot of us basically live off of eccie and this world I see ya'll as my other fucked up family lol my other ones in iowa and I love everyone the same lol just this family I am usually fucking sucking or my sisters from other misters well they give me great support and never had a bad encounter with any of them since I have been on my own. Even you Fun2cum how could I not care when part of you have slide down my throat a few time lol anyways everyone have a great day, no harm no fowl, I know what I get into when I post so I dont take anything to heart, have a awesome day
xoxoxoxxoxoxox shaylaxoxoxoxxo
harkontume's Avatar
Annoying you want ANNOYING?

That popcorn shell that gets stuck in your teeth and you just cant get it OUT.
That's annoying!

I am not annoyed at the moment.. but just saying.
your right that is annoying thats why I dont eat popcorn lol
I agree, this is how I treat my regulars.


You say you don't give your regulars priority. I think you might want to change that. A regular gets that privilege because he is a repeat customer, has shown up on time, and has paid with no problems. I think that deserves priority booking. If it is a decision between a regular and a newguy, I would think the regular gets the call. If you already have a newguy booked, I wouldn't let the regular take his place.

Like f2c said above, people that have a history of ncns should be low priority. Originally Posted by JJones