Expiration Date for Reviews/References?

Rangerfrog09's Avatar
So I have been out of this for a while and was just wondering if there is a certain length of time that reviews/references are no longer accepted. Or are they good until the referal no longer remebers you lol? I didn't have many to begin with, so if they do expire, I'm going to have to go the "I'm a newbie" route. Thank you in advance.
  • MW76
  • 10-02-2017, 11:07 PM
There are too many good pieces of meat in DFW provider ad section to not be tapping it all the time. Tap those slabs of meat boy and get those refs.
tx Easy Rider's Avatar
^^what he said. on a more serious note, think as long as you have atleast 2 that remember you (and are still active) and can vouch, you should be good.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I do not consider a review to be a reference. Anyone can post a review, it certainly does not mean a session even took place. Fake reviews do get posted. And a review doesn't mean everything went well for the lady (i.e. you didn't smell like ass, gift was taken care of, you were on time, etc...)

With references, if I haven't seen someone in over a year, I usually won't provide a reference. I may say I have seen him, but because it was a year ( 2 years or whatever) I can't possibly offer information. For some ladies it might be 6 mo, while others don't care.

Bottom line, every lady is different when it comes to her screening. Best thing to do is to do your research on her by reading her ads/showcase/website and when all else fails, just ask.
Bushjumper's Avatar
Consider going the P411 route. If a session with a P411 lady goes well, she will probably give you an 'OK" which will show up on your profile the ladies see when they look you up. It's a bit expensive, but what are the other options?
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm a bit of an oddball on this. Since I'm not always available in DFW.. I'll go back as far as I can remember.. BUT-- I always let the lady know if it has been more than a year.

Now.. if someone hasn't seen me in say-- 3 years, I'll give the reference with the note of how long it has been.. and then I will message the gent and let him know that in the future, I cannot continue to provide a reference, but that I did it this one time as a courtesy.