Does a visit change your perception?

Guest091314's Avatar
Please excuse if this is jumbled....i wanted to get my thought out and its not wanting to flow right LOL!

I like to scroll the review section from time to time to see whats going on and all that good stuff and was a tad curious on something...

We will call the provider "S"

Say you go see said provider, have your experience and decide to write a review. You did not have a good time and it was less than expected. Usually when I see a review with a no recommend the provider description is usually negative, such as (sorry i jacked these descriptions from recent reviews)

"Very attractive. Nice smile, Nice eyes, Glasses. 2 day shave job, musty smell. tall, 5'7, thin. Saggy booty and mommy tits, flat belly, huge hole."

Now....lets jump in the time machine (not seeing her for a 2nd time but back as 1st time) and meet provider "s" again. This version you have a badass visit and want to write a raving review...does the above description then turn into something like this....?
" Nice smile, awesome boobs, nice butt, pretty firm body"

**Please be aware that I cannot see ROS**
Those who have met me know I am just a curious person.
Alecia, if the first visit sucks, chances are (100%) the guy will not go see her again.
Too many lovelies here to go back to her.

"You don't get a 2nd chance to make a good 1st impression."

But that doesn't mean another guy won't enjoy her.
Guest091314's Avatar
CRAP I knew my wording would not be right.....

I did not mean go back for a second visit(hence the time machine), what I meant to communicate was if the visit is good or bad does that change the way you will describe her?

Say Provider "s" is butt ugly...would a good visit give her a good description?
If provider "s" is hot as hell with crappy service would you give a bad description?
Torito's Avatar
First, I agree with the others. After a bad 1st visit I would find no reason to go back and throw away more money.
If for some reason, I did go back, I am not able to understand how
Saggy booty and mommy tits, flat belly, huge hole."
could possibly become:

, awesome boobs, nice butt, pretty firm body"

That seems a complete reversal of body part characteristics.

Guest091314's Avatar
Those were merely examples torito....

Also stated again, the time machine takes you back to the first visit and not a repeat.
  • ddf69
  • 11-01-2011, 05:07 PM
I think I understand what you are saying ---

If a guy has a bad experience will that influence his description of the girl in a negative way. (and vice versa)

I can see where a guy might have a bad date and then tends to be negative on his description. But I've seen tons of bad reviews where there was nothing but a positive description.

In general, I think guys can separate the physical appearance of a girl from the sexual experience.

The problems will arise when the girl does not match her pics anymore!
What Alicia's asking, I think, is whether the bad BCD experience will bleed over into the "description" portion of the review. More specifically, will a bad BCD experience lead to a more critical assessment of the provider's physical attributes or, conversely, will an excellent experience lead the reviewer to focus more on the positive physical attributes of the lady in question.

Or maybe I'm clueless. Wouldn't be the first time.

And, as to the question, I'm happy to say I can't answer as I've been fortunate enough to have never had a bad hobby experience. Knock on wood. And that's not because of anything special about me -- it's because I've been lucky and I've been led in the right direction by the reviewers on this and similar boards. Thanks, guys.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I get what you're saying... and I think that a bad experience will, in most cases, color the entire review. The same with an out of this world experience... in most cases a hobbyist will likely describe her as more attractive then she really is.

I think that I am able to separate attractiveness from quality of the session.
Everyone has some flaws. If the session is otherwise great, those flaws become less important and may even be overlooked entirly. And the reverse is, of course, true as well. Also, since WALDT, what are saggy boobs to one guy who really likes MM boobs, may be perfect naturals to a different guy.

I have has a couple of less than outstanding sessions, but the reasons had nothing to do with her body so I dont think the results affected my ability to objectivily describe her body.
oldmarine's Avatar
I don't think having a less than stellar time would affect how I describe a provider. She is either well put together or she is not. In fact, I have it happen where the woman was "all of that" but we just did not hit it off. She is still beautiful but I won't see her again.
I'm just curious to what a saggy butt looks like?
I have had one date that we didn't click and we both knew there was no thrill. I was not going to write a review and she requested that I not write one. She rated high here in the mid cities area and I am sure others have had a great time with her. But her and I just did not hit it off. I don't believe I would tear down a lady that tried to please me. On the other hand if I thought I was being played for a fool by upsell or bait and switch I would write a review in large red letters.
elgato111's Avatar
If her appearance is right on, great body etc, it should not affect the review even if the BCD did not measure up to what was expected. But if the BCD was really bad the review tends to be bad throughout. At least that is my experience in reading reviews.
Big Daddy Moose's Avatar
Experience always affects the description.
FishGuy13's Avatar
Everyone has some flaws. If the session is otherwise great, those flaws become less important and may even be overlooked entirly. And the reverse is, of course, true as well. Also, since WALDT, what are saggy boobs to one guy who really likes MM boobs, may be perfect naturals to a different guy.

I have has a couple of less than outstanding sessions, but the reasons had nothing to do with her body so I dont think the results affected my ability to objectivily describe her body. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
In part it is due to the WALDT idea, and in part yes the over-all session is part of how we see the person. On the other hand the fact that she is hot in my book does not mean we will hit it off or have a great session.

I have even tried very hard to keep people's feeling in mind too, and have said something like we just did not hit it off but yes I would recomond she tried, her pic's were at least close just not an ATF for me every one has off days perhaps it was her, me or both. In fact I don't review every one I have seen but 2 no votes do stand out. My first, was with my first FS provider and I would not go back to among other things she answered the phone while I was in the middle of ... an out stroke and then had the nerve to ask if I was done she had to go to a bigger party/paid-day to get to. The second I probally would go back if she offered a sale, and I might recomond to a friend as long as he knew what he was getting into and if she was running a great sale.

I hope this answered what you ment to ask, lol!