
pmdelites's Avatar
whether you're going to be with family, friends, acquaintances, the gang at the local bar/pub, or by yourself....

my suggestions...

give thanks to yourself, to your family and friends, to the universe, to whatever it is that you're thankful and grateful for.

reconnect, bury the hatchet, share a story, love on em, whatever ...

but remember - you didnt get where you are today all by yourself. your ancestors, parents, family [related or extended], teachers, friends, clients, providers, ex-es, co-workers, etc. all helped you get where you are today.

i will be heading out of town to visit family, friends, and some folks i met the other day who will be vacationing in the same city i'll be in.

so, happy thanksgiving to my friends and post-mates here on eccie!!!
and keep that spirit going throught out the year. [that also goes for the christmas spirit, the valentines spirit, the mayday spirit, the summer solstice spirit, your birthday spirit, etc., etc., etc.]
mrsprettykitty's Avatar
whether you're going to be with family, friends, acquaintances, the gang at the local bar/pub, or by yourself....

my suggestions...

give thanks to yourself, to your family and friends, to the universe, to whatever it is that you're thankful and grateful for.

reconnect, bury the hatchet, share a story, love on em, whatever ...

but remember - you didnt get where you are today all by yourself. your ancestors, parents, family [related or extended], teachers, friends, clients, providers, ex-es, co-workers, etc. all helped you get where you are today.

i will be heading out of town to visit family, friends, and some folks i met the other day who will be vacationing in the same city i'll be in.

so, happy thanksgiving to my friends and post-mates here on eccie!!!
and keep that spirit going throught out the year. [that also goes for the christmas spirit, the valentines spirit, the mayday spirit, the summer solstice spirit, your birthday spirit, etc., etc., etc.]
Originally Posted by pmdelites
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
LucadeJure's Avatar
A strong second on pmdelites' thoughts. We probably didn't realize it at the time, but every experience, whether delightful or dreadful, adds to the person we are today. Grow stronger from the not-so-delightful ones and relish the pleasurable moments.

Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you delightful ladies and gents.
London Rayne's Avatar
Amen! I am fortunate to have 2 living parents who have been married for over 40 years. I have a wonderful little girl, a home I can call my own, great friends, and health. I will certainly be reaching out to those who are less fortunate. You would be surprised just how far a smile and an "I care" can go to those who have no one.

Be thankful for all you have, because no matter how bad some of us think it could always be much worse. "I once complained about the sun in my eyes til I met the man who could not see." "Worry does not rid tomorrow of its only robs today of its strength."

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Happy Holidays to everyone
berkleigh's Avatar
Happy Holidays from me as well ....

Very Thankful this year
nbs4143's Avatar
Happy Holidays to Y'all!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 11-21-2011, 08:40 PM
I have a lot to be thankful for also..... So Happy Thanksgiving everyone .
Happy holidays.... Can't wait for black Friday!
Bloodhound's Avatar
Happy Thanksgiving as well. Watch out for drunk drivers and don't become a holiday stat.
Happy Thanksgiving as well. Watch out for drunk drivers and don't become a holiday stat. Originally Posted by Bloodhound
+1000 Also on another note the meal. Ladies and Gents the food is going no where so eat in moderation. If possible squeeze a brisk walk or head to the gym

Happy Thanksgiving to Gents and Ladies
Thanksgiving is of course our harvest festival, a thanksgiving for the bounty that God has given us to develop with our own labor. Yes it is our Oktoberfest, after all what is beer but a great way to preserve grain. The bounty we have before us is amazing, for the majority of the world's population the struggle is to find enough calories to get to the next day. The most important food items in the third world are rice and cooking oil (cheap calories). In this country the greatest health problem of the poor is obesity (the poor on average own a car, color TV and a cell phone)

Be thankful for the farmers and ranchers, those who pick the crops, those that process the food, the truck drivers who get it to the store, the people who work in the meat market and produce department and a little bit to those of us in the Bistro Kitchen.

Be thankful that "You be in America now"
I am definitely thankful for this site and the lovely ladies and gents here. Especially the lovely ladies.
Happy Thanksgiving. :-)
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Happy Thanksgiving to all... my favorite time of year