Where it be a hobbyist or a provider when someone posts a vast amount of personal information about themselves on a hooker board, what does that say about them?

Still Looking's Avatar
Where it be a hobbyist or a provider when someone posts a vast amount of personal information about themselves on a hooker board, what does that say about them?

What possible reason would some one share the hardships or struggles they have faced?

Why are issues started off the board brought to the board?

I think a better question is, why did you use your DL photo for your avatar? Aren't you worried about anonymity?
Still Looking's Avatar
I think a better question is, why did you use your DL photo for your avatar? Aren't you worried about anonymity? Originally Posted by craigehott
I don't look like that any more. That was me as a baby.

fun2come's Avatar
I'd share, but I don't have a vast amount to share.

Basically the day I was born and fed beer, I thought FUCK THAT ...and I never stooped
nuglet's Avatar
Perhaps, like Still Looking, they have no friends, no family, no therapist to open up to and this is the only family they have? It's pretty obvious from the amount of posting, and time you spend with company you had to hire, you too, like some others, just have to feel you're important to someone.. and lacking that true relationship, this is your only semblance of a friend or family you can vent to. Maybe, just maybe.
Still Looking's Avatar
Perhaps, like Still Looking, they have no friends, no family, no therapist to open up to and this is the only family they have? It's pretty obvious from the amount of posting, and time you spend with company you had to hire, you too, like some others, just have to feel you're important to someone.. and lacking that true relationship, this is your only semblance of a friend or family you can vent to. Maybe, just maybe. Originally Posted by nuglet
I'm so lonely Nugie. But I'm starting to feel better because I can feel the warmth of your sincerity coming right through my computer screen. I do have imaginary friends.
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Where it be a hobbyist or a provider when someone posts a vast amount of personal information about themselves on a hooker board, what does that say about them?

What possible reason would some one share the hardships or struggles they have faced?

Why are issues started off the board brought to the board?

Originally Posted by Still Looking
Maybe because that person wanted people to know that not every girl is a addict, or lazy, or lack there of. I told my story because Im not ashamed anymore and because I want people to know some people have one of two options eat or starve. You have never been in that spot so I dont except u to understand. Trust fund babies live in the land of make believe where everything is handed to them on a silver platter
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Godfather lmao
cinderbella's Avatar
The sadly ironic common denominator in the equation is you.

When a man refuses to provide a role in his household the love and respect of his wife and children and abandons his role he has set up by marriage, the void is left by his female partner to fill.

I heard an interview on NPR recently, a Hispanic man living in San Antonio and obviously a native Spanish speaker was featured in a story about the foster care system in Texas. This man was a higher wage earner, he was happily married and they bought a large homestead with a lot of land to utilize. This husband and wife team decided to build a child friendly area around their home and to take in as many foster children as possible. The Hispanic man realized how important positive male mentors are to children and he was fortunate to have a loving wife who agreed and partnered with him in the decision. An obvious labor of love. He stated that he wanted the foster children to feel validated and listened to. Children have to have a safe adult role model to communicate and interact with.

On the east coast, a white gay man who is happily married to another man has been featured in the news for their decision to adopt black foster children with special needs, because this particular man explained that he himself was a foster child who had been given a plastic trash bag to hold his possessions in while being shuttled about to various foster homes. He and his partner wanted to make a difference in the lives of these kids, as a result they bought a farm to raise the kids on because they found out children with special needs were especially receptive to positive behavior changes when they actively took care of farm animals in a quiet setting. ( 4-H programs are testament to this). His family now works as a team filling and distributing backpacks for foster children full of sundries so they won't have to move from place to place with a trash bag anymore.

People have an innate need to be heard, and to express themselves. This board is full of broken hearts, shattered dreams and people who were never nurtured or supported by a strong, positive male role model. Where there is a place to post, people are going to post. That is why Facebook is so popular. People post about their personal lives here because they want communicate. They are being themselves, and it is so easy to do. I find this board to be so educational sometimes, as depressing as it is. It is a bare faced look at intimacy and the lack there of. The words posted reveal much and the motivations are many.

We are condemned to repeat our past by our communication style. When people cannot communicate or they do not feel listened or validated, alcohol and drugs often are used to fill the void. A woman who is "In the hobby" is often socially isolated. A person has to communicate somewhere. What gets posted here is information that people cannot or will not post in other places. Darker and more devious minds will go into underground chat rooms and the "Dark Web" for taboo subjects not allowed here.

Men who post on this board are no different than women who post on this board. The result is the same, a need to be heard and a need to communicate. It beats the hell out of suppression and censorship.

Imagine all the change you could actually make in the world if you chose to use your method of communication and thought in a positive way. Male influence is just as powerful as female influence. It is always our ego that gets in the way.

A side note to this: Anyone interviewing to be a police officer and some other sorts of potential employers will ask upon condition of hiring to see the candidate's Facebook page. I myself and most reporters will view the Facebook page of someone who has committed a crime or died in a shocking manner. A person's public postings are a personal snapshot of communication style and personality. We post what is important to us, how we want to be heard and what we want to convey to the world. Just as people did upon the prehistoric walls of a cave and upon the walls in ancient Greece, Pompeii and Rome.
Ambree Austin's Avatar
Oh and because Im Real and dont lie about shit. Unlike you. Oh and one mor thing you claim you have never posted anything about me which you ended up proving to everyone you clearly lied post I want to also mention you posted a picture of me to just thought you should know. The truth always comes out in the end Godfather
Ambree Austin's Avatar
And you should answer this same ? you told us all about ur ex wife and ur budget and the first time I talk to you wow did u tell me way to much info. But I knew you were gonna make a thread about me couldn't help urself. Next he will say it is not about me watch
Still Looking's Avatar
The sadly ironic common denominator in the equation is you.

When a man refuses to provide a role in his household the love and respect of his wife and children and abandons his role he has set up by marriage, the void is left by his female partner to fill.

Agreed! Gaming is a big issue in young marriages!

I heard an interview on NPR recently, a Hispanic man living in San Antonio and obviously a native Spanish speaker was featured in a story about the foster care system in Texas. This man was a higher wage earner, he was happily married and they bought a large homestead with a lot of land to utilize. This husband and wife team decided to build a child friendly area around their home and to take in as many foster children as possible. The Hispanic man realized how important positive male mentors are to children and he was fortunate to have a loving wife who agreed and partnered with him in the decision. An obvious labor of love. He stated that he wanted the foster children to feel validated and listened to. Children have to have a safe adult role model to communicate and interact with.

Sounds like a great guy! Awesome lady as well!

On the east coast, a white gay man who is happily married to another man has been featured in the news for their decision to adopt black foster children with special needs, because this particular man explained that he himself was a foster child who had been given a plastic trash bag to hold his possessions in while being shuttled about to various foster homes. He and his partner wanted to make a difference in the lives of these kids, as a result they bought a farm to raise the kids on because they found out children with special needs were especially receptive to positive behavior changes when they actively took care of farm animals in a quiet setting. ( 4-H programs are testament to this). His family now works as a team filling and distributing backpacks for foster children full of sundries so they won't have to move from place to place with a trash bag anymore.

It takes a village at times..... yes?

People have an innate need to be heard, and to express themselves. This board is full of broken hearts, shattered dreams and people who were never nurtured or supported by a strong, positive male role model. Where there is a place to post, people are going to post. That is why Facebook is so popular. People post about their personal lives here because they want communicate. They are being themselves, and it is so easy to do. I find this board to be so educational sometimes, as depressing as it is. It is a bare faced look at intimacy and the lack there of. The words posted reveal much and the motivations are many.

You could go crazy checking this place out LOL

We are condemned to repeat our past by our communication style. When people cannot communicate or they do not feel listened or validated, alcohol and drugs often are used to fill the void. A woman who is "In the hobby" is often socially isolated. A person has to communicate somewhere. What gets posted here is information that people cannot or will not post in other places. Darker and more devious minds will go into underground chat rooms and the "Dark Web" for taboo subjects not allowed here.

Don't forget shopping & Hoarding!

Men who post on this board are no different than women who post on this board. The result is the same, a need to be heard and a need to communicate. It beats the hell out of suppression and censorship.

Agreed! And yet much more refuse to post they rather lurk.

Imagine all the change you could actually make in the world if you chose to use your method of communication and thought in a positive way. Male influence is just as powerful as female influence. It is always our ego that gets in the way.

Some times not always!

A side note to this: Anyone interviewing to be a police officer and some other sorts of potential employers will ask upon condition of hiring to see the candidate's Facebook page. I myself and most reporters will view the Facebook page of someone who has committed a crime or died in a shocking manner. A person's public postings are a personal snapshot of communication style and personality. We post what is important to us, how we want to be heard and what we want to convey to the world. Just as people did upon the prehistoric walls of a cave and upon the walls in ancient Greece, Pompeii and Rome. Originally Posted by cinderbella
It was different in the good old days....

Ambree Austin's Avatar
Still looking let agree to disagree and leave it at that. We both have strong points of view but Im going to bow out like a lady and wish you the best. Have an awesome week signing off - Kendal
ExFinally we are at peace again. Now I can say this about these 2.

1. Kendel is a quality person in and out of the hobby, this does not define her. She is honest, sweet and has a tremendous amount of class.she is a close friend.

2. I do call SL a friend in and out of the hobby, those who do not know him should understand that he grew up poor and is really self made. ( all respect bro). He is actually a cool guy and is not what everyone paints him on the board. He is a good person and is very trustworthy. So I stay out of these issues and respect them both.
nuglet's Avatar
I'm so lonely Nugie. But I'm starting to feel better because I can feel the warmth of your sincerity coming right through my computer screen. I do have imaginary friends. Originally Posted by Still Looking
Thanks for owning that.. we're all pretty sure ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS, both of em', are imaginary. Lemme look around, I'm sure I can find just a little bit of "shit to give" about how you feel. But I'm glad to added a bit of warmth to your cold little world.