
This may not go over well lol but Im going to ask anyway

I had a less than stellar encounter with a board member which sucks bc I honestly enjoy what I do, and Im a really friendly person so burning bridges isn't something I aim to do... now the session with the board member went without a hitch but the aftermath is starting to be a handful. Bc hes acting like a big coward and baby bc I wouldn't give him his way.

Now I refuse to go into any "he say she say" bc honestly thats a waste of time but, I really wanted to know...

Guys who are members of the board, would you ever ask a provider to add the time not used in a previous session to the next session? Or add extra service + the time and when the provider kindly says no be upset at her?

And ladies, what do you do about situations like this?

Personally I feel like all I can really do, is keep doing what Im doing. Stay social, friendly, and mature and have some OUT OF THIS WORLD SEX with someone to relieve some stress! haha
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-16-2010, 11:09 PM
Maybe hey thought you were Cingular.
Cingluler?? what is that? lol
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-16-2010, 11:12 PM
sorry I was just fucking around the cell comp with the roll over mins any not used get rolled over to next month. bad joke
oh lol haha lol no that was cute lol
So would you ask to use the extra time at the next session?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-16-2010, 11:21 PM
no I would not ask for roll over time. I dont know sometimes guys try to over step bounds with girls who know they are on the board. I dont know mabey he was haveing bad time and kinda wanted a do over. all thats getting into the he said she said though. Just to let you know I think your thread will get shut down.
if it gets shut down thats ok... I've gotten my venting out of the way...

CivilBarrister's Avatar
What a great idea - roll over minutes! Kinda like a frequent flyer card!

There is a joke where a guys asks the incredibly hot secretary in his office if she would spend 24 hours with him for $3000. After thinking long and hard, she agrees.

He says.....Great, I will take it in 15 minute increments.

Seriously, you blocked out an hour or whatever. I am sure he was welcome to stay the entire amount of time if he wanted.

Maybe if I booked an hour and fired off after 4 minutes.....

Hey TMFT, what do you do with the left over 56 minutes?
LOL Well I typically let a man get his monies worth so if he only uses 4mins I totally think its wrong to kick him out... so I'll get him up again now if he still doesnt use up the time lol then we can always talk and hang out
ibechill's Avatar
Only if you were overbooked and were trying to rush me out. Other than that, wouldn't expect roll over minutes.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I guess if you want roll over minutes, you would be willing to pay a high priced penalty if you go over your minutes?
CaptainQ's Avatar
Seems kinda silly to ask for these "roll over" minutes (funny though). I have only been in the hobby less than a year and I have had it go from extremely long to extremely short. But in general, most have lasted as long as I expected and close enough to an hour to make me happy.

If nothing else, one thing I learned here is just about everyone is different, and expectations seem to be all over the place.
Only if you were overbooked and were trying to rush me out. Other than that, wouldn't expect roll over minutes. Originally Posted by ibechill
I only see up to 2 guys a day lol so no overbooking. The time you book, Im all yours

I guess if you want roll over minutes, you would be willing to pay a high priced penalty if you go over your minutes? Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
You know what, I think that would be a good membership lol Pay a monthly amount with a certain amount of hours a month that you could use anyway you wanted lol
dearhunter's Avatar
So, did you ask him if he is willing to take less time during the next session if he goes over.

Unless, you are pushing him out the door before the clock is up, you don't owe him anything except an "I"m not available" the next time he calls.

Fucktards...........I'm just saying.
Girl, keep doin what you're doin.. You are always gonna run into a fuckstick at some point...