HoneyDavis is not associated with P&B Therapy or Tay of Dallas

P&B Therapy's Avatar
Just a head's up guys. She does not work with me or for me.
I do not agree with her business practices.

I will not go into it any further, and just wanted to let y'all know.

Tay of Dallas
I was saving my first post for a review, but I can't bite my tongue on this one.
I spoke to HD, and she told me she hired you to screen and book her calls as she is too shy to answer the phone. According to her, you talked her into her giving you access to her P411 and Eccie accounts, changed her passwords, changed the email listed on the accounts so she could no longer reset her passwords, forbade her from talking to clients without your permission, messaged clients behind her back then deleted (most but not all) evidence of having spoken to them, weren't sending her calls to her even after she paid for her own BP ads, then went batshit on her and now she's so scared she feels like she has to leave the great city of Dallas because you're really working for a gorilla pimp (your "husband" pffft) and associate with several pimps.

Is this an accurate description of how things went down? Also, is it true you refer to men as tricks?
Wow this will be good. Funny you just joined the other day and this is your first post.
HD had a lot more to say, but I boiled it down to the TL: DR version. You're welcome.
I don't know who you people are but sure as hell won't be calling p&b.
modus's Avatar
  • modus
  • 04-12-2014, 01:36 PM
here we go........

Just to preempt any PMs, HoneyDavis is a different person from me.
jdough1211's Avatar
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 04-12-2014, 06:20 PM
Tay (of Dallas) went and started herself an Agency.

Her ad lists the girls available.

P&B Is off to a bad start.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
I was saving my first post for a review, but I can't bite my tongue on this one.
I spoke to HD, and she told me she hired you to screen and book her calls as she is too shy to answer the phone. According to her, you talked her into her giving you access to her P411 and Eccie accounts, changed her passwords, changed the email listed on the accounts so she could no longer reset her passwords, forbade her from talking to clients without your permission, messaged clients behind her back then deleted (most but not all) evidence of having spoken to them, weren't sending her calls to her even after she paid for her own BP ads, then went batshit on her and now she's so scared she feels like she has to leave the great city of Dallas because you're really working for a gorilla pimp (your "husband" pffft) and associate with several pimps.

Is this an accurate description of how things went down? Also, is it true you refer to men as tricks? Originally Posted by MisterE69

So you're saying P&B stands for Pimps & Bullshit?

P&B Therapy's Avatar
First of all, I am not in any way denying she hired me to book her calls. After 258 text messages in a 8 hour period from her, I asked her not to message clients unless we are on the same page.
Otherwise we look silly. She went crazy, I have messages to prove.
Funny how you gents immediately jump to her defense off a new gents post and a provider with 2 reviews. I tried to help. If I am booking, I have to deal with contact period.

She is simply not associated with me. My agency has 3 great reviews for someone other then me. We are fine.
I am sorry you all feel the need to take.a simple fyi and turn it into drama. Lol, ooopppss should have known.

I will not post on this thread again as I stated the information I needed to.

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
What about the gorilla pimp? You didn't address that.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Will be passing up the p***y at P&B and looking elsewhere....
What about the gorilla pimp? You didn't address that. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
never seen a gorilla dressed like this, but I don't get out much...lol