Medical Question I don't want to ask Doctor haha

So I am going in for a physical January 9th. I am getting blood done and what not and I have a question I want to ask, but don't know if its allowed to ask openly, so if there is a doctor or nurse, someone knowledgeable in that field, could you let me know so I could PM you a question. Thank you :-)
ask it. we all think we know a lot of shit. One of us might actually be right.
Alright then....

So say I have a friend that Edited forbidden subject.-Torito about twice per month, but seriously that is the only thing and about the amount of times per month. With the impending physical that we now both have, is that something they will be testing for? Also, if it is found, is that something that would go on his record forever that would effect things like obtaining life insurance and what not? If this is an inappropriate subject, I apologize. That is why I was going to bring it up in a PM. Thanks :-)

Clearly I am being facetious when saying friend lol
Iaintliein's Avatar
Technically not something we can discuss here.

BUT, if you are not comfortable asking ANY question of your doctor, you need to find one you are comfortable with.
Probably inappropriate.

I suspect you can get plenty of answers, some you will like, some you will not like, some that will be full of S%*T, some that will sound right, some that will speak from experience, and maybe some that are correct.

I would think you could google the effects of the drugs on your body and determine how long before it is out of your system. I believe the amount of time that it shows up in your urine or blood is fairly short as drugs go, so stop now.

Is this a personal physical, or a job related physical? If you can delay it so you have 30 days, it would be better.

Now, I'll let the experts here talk, but the mods will probably lock this one down.
I didn't know if it was or not, hence why I was just goint to ask to take it to PM. I have gotten a reply from someone though, so thanks guys.
Torito's Avatar
Forbidden subject was the focus of this thread so I closed it. OP is new and was not certain. He had the courtesy to ask me about it.
