Who's hiring?

slims099's Avatar
It's been the worst employment / financial year I've had thus far in my entire life. I guess it's common these days so I've sure some of you have had it wayyyy worse than I have it. You know when that "hyped" position / job comes along and you swoop in on it... LEAVING a steady paying job... Never, ever doing that again. It kinda happened twice this year to me and I feel retarded.

Anyways, enough of that. It's in the past. Does anyone know anybody hiring?

Thanks for any help. PM me if you want also. Thank you.
Boltfan's Avatar
You could move to North Dakota.

I am not joking, they have a serious issue with not having enough workers. You were willing to move to Midland.
slims099's Avatar
LOL this is true.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I get the feeling that North Dakota will soon be added to the tour stops for many escorts who travel, if it isn't already....
slims099's Avatar
Yup! Both sexes are finding opportunities in North Dakota:

LazurusLong's Avatar
Sounds like a plan for slimms
NoDak's Avatar
  • NoDak
  • 12-16-2011, 09:00 PM
NoDak here...Guys, just be sure bring your down parka and a shovel... ...uh, voice of 30 yrs experience!!!
Slims, ole buddy, you could always go back to man-whoring
Bestman200600's Avatar
Bakken oil sands play near Williston, ND. Contact Halliburton. CDL license, commercial electricians, oilfield experience. Truck drivers 80K, 100K with overtime. Housing 1500/mo if you can find it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Bestman knows whereof he speakes. A ton of jobs up in the Bakken play right now. I do personal injury work in east Texas and I've had three cases from east Texans working there who were injured in North Dakota who and called me within the last year. I was joking at a bar meeting that I needed to open a ND branch. Lots of jobs. Big money if you're willing to work the hours. And the influx of fast and loose women has been underway for months and months.