The death of pretty

LazurusLong's Avatar
Had someone email me this link. I think once people read it the issue of unintended consequences can be seen quite clearly.

I have a gut feeling that the attempt by so many providers to be "hot" as opposed to being pretty as this writing puts forth may have something to do with much of the coarseness we seem to see in the clients.

We're men. We react certain ways that have been written in our genes for untold centuries. We can examine this on a more grand scale by looking at our American society as a whole becoming more coarse each and every year since women stopped wanting to be Pretty (to project a public innocence and virtue).

And that has resulted in a more commodity based treatment of women according to the writer and I happen to agree with almost everything he has written.

Cause and effect. Unintended consequences.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Thought provoking post, Laz. I hope you have your asbestos undies firmly strapped on for you shall surely have a few flamethrowers aimed your way, especially by linking an RC publication...LOL! But, those who will protest to you about reserving their "freedom" of thought and expression, while correct, are also being more than a little repressive in their own right. If one is secure in their beliefs, motives and actions then overwrought protestations belie that security.

Now, on to the topic of the post.....

I like 'em slutty, nasty and smokin' HAWT (sometimes) but I also like 'em demure and feminine (sometimes)...LOL! Well, the whole point of my "hunt" is variety. In regards to the RW, I really agree with the author of the linked article in that Middle Schools all over the country are populated by J-Ho, Brittany Spears and Lindsay Lohan wannabes who are oh-so "worldly," "sophisticated" and "tough." There are really a lot of comical little slutettes who, due to their image, will be forced to put up or shut up sooner than they are ready psychologically and emotionally. It's too bad because there is plenty of time for ideals and naivete' to go by the wayside, courtesy of life's experiences - much of that will happen naturally and in due time, what's the rush?

I'd be very interested in hearing some of the provider mothers with daughters chime in on this.

But, I have to say, "Let's hear it for the girl next door!"
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Naw, pretty is alive and well. There are still many people who don't watch reality shows, don't care about hollywood train wrecks, and think parents of pageant kids are sick. Pretty just doesn't get as much media coverage because it's less controversial and less entertaining.
  • PT4ME
  • 12-24-2011, 04:14 AM
+1 L4L....

Happy Holidays!

Ironic...just told a Provider I was with how pretty she is (her friend, too)...that word will never leave my vocabulary.
TexTushHog's Avatar
But the author does haveva point. Granted, that a "silly whore board" may be the very epitome of a skewed sample, there arevan awful lot of providers on here who seem to specialize in, deliberately or not, the trashy hot look. Frankly, I've never cared for it. I have also often wondered if the trashy predilection here is a reflection of reality in that the look sells, or just a inaccurate perception.

Also love the use of the word "concupiscence" in the article. Great word.